jealous of my icon tbh

Jul 12, 2011 17:39

I. I am home! I am sure you all missed me in my three-day absence. The cottage was lovely and I am not excited to be back at work in the city where it is very hot and, strangely, even more buggy, but on the bright side I had a shower this morning. I also managed to swallow not one but TWO bugs when Frances and I went swimming at night. It was like they were on some kind of crazy suicide mission. There were lots of fireflies as well which was neat because lol evolution, what even.

II. Harry Potter on Friday! I don't love the movies that much, but I still quite like going to see them, if only because it is fun and it is the closest I get to engaging in fandom with most of my ~real life~ friends. We've gone to see them all together since Goblet of Fire, so it has become something of a tradition. I have seen almost no promo material because I find the WB puts out way more than it should and the clips/etc leave me feeling like I've seen everything. So yeah, I am one of those people who avoids "movie spoilers". Dealwithit.gif

III. A week or two ago on Amazon I found all the Doctor Who ~storybooks~ for $0.01 and, being curious, bought them, because I figured the lulz they could provide would outweigh the $0.01 fee. I opened the solo-Ten book to a random page just now and found this excerpt which suggests I am not wrong:

He was always making promises - to get people home, to chase the monsters away, to save the world. He knew deep down he shouldn't, that one day he might make a promise he couldn't keep.

The Doctor felt an emotion he wasn't at all familiar with: despair.
-The Shape on the Chair by Matt Jones


So that promises to be hilarious. Given how much I love summarizing terrible things, if these stories are EVERYTHING I HOPE FOR AND MORE I might make some posts about them. Would people find that amusing? I will ofc infuse them all with my natural wit and charm. ...Plus I get bored at work.

life the universe and everything, harry potter, multiple france, doctor who

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