series 3 rewatch thoughts: part the first

Jul 04, 2011 15:49

Omfg we finished s3 last night and I started writing out my thoughts and they are many. So this is getting broken into like, 3 different posts.

The Shakespeare Code: I saw people bitching about this episode the other day and I was so horrified I gave the person an lj note. EVERYTHING IN THIS EPISODE IS RELEVANT TO MY INTERESTS and it is so great. SHAKESPEARE JOKES, HARRY POTTER, TEN LOVES ROSE, ETC. Best episode ever, basically.

The scene at the inn though, lol. Ten you are not even sleeping, give that bed to Martha and go write in your livejournal.

Gridlock: I had seen this episode maybe once. I remembered it as being really boring with the exception of the two minutes at the start and the two minutes at the end. TBH in general when the companion and the Doctor are separated for most of the episode my caring meter goes down, because for the most part I watch for their interaction and relationship. It's also why I typically don't like any kind of third-party temporary-status companion getting up in there either, because they ~interrupt. (Returning proper companions, like Martha and Rose in s4, are a-okay because I already give many fucks about them and their relationship with the Doctor.) The exception to this has been s5, because I don't care enough about the Eleven/Amy bond to want them to be ~exclusive~, but in s1-s4 I always get tetchy about it and can usually appreciate the episodes better on rewatch.

Anyway, so Gridlock was better than I remembered. I cannot get over THE LADY HAVING KITTENS AUUUUGH but the popping through random cars thing was kind of amusing and Boejack is hilarious. The bit where Boe is about to save the day and he's like "DOCTOR..." all breathily and Ten is like "NOT NOW, I'M BUSY" made me lol so hard. TEN IGNORING JACK, JUST LIKE OLD TIMES. :'D

But still, the beginning minute and the final couple minutes absolutely make this episode. Ten's lie to Martha about Gallifrey is so awkward and sad and their conversation at the end where she makes him talk is fabulous, get it Martha. People talk a lot about Ten and Martha being bad for each other or Martha sucking or Ten being too mean to her and while I sort of agree (except about Martha sucking which is just patently false) I think it's also pretty clear that Martha is exactly what Ten needs in s3, whether he realizes it at the time or not. I don't think Donna fresh off of Runaway Bride would have that kind of patience, and dealing with emo angry hurt s3 Ten requires a boatload of patience in addition to occasional stubborness.

Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks: AAAAND... these episodes are actually worse than I remember. Sorry shinyopals.

But seriously, oh my god. I mean, there are definitely moments of lulz ("he's into musical theatre" and the Dalek watercooler moment, for instance) and a rare moment or two of goodness (mostly suicidal Ten and Martha Jones: smartest ever) shining out from underneath the sheer "WTF" that permeates everything, but... Poor Helen Raynor. I like her Sontaran episodes just fine, but these ones, omg idek. I was so bored. papilio_luna went to bed and spud14 and firstofoct and I spent all of EOTD going "OH MY GOD HOW IS THIS ONLY 15 MINUTES IN. OH MY GOD THERE IS HALF AN HOUR LEFT. OH MY GOD IT'S STILL GOING."

Pig people. Human Daleks. Penisface and the Worst Costume Design Ever. Solomon and Laslow. Martha trying to cross the stage in the middle of the performance and illogically trying to hide behind the dancers while they dance. Time Lord-Dalek-Humans thanks to lightning and a Dalek breastplate and Ten's desire to die. Dialogue like THEY KILLED THEM. THEY KILLED THEM RATHER THAN LET THEM LIVE and IF YOU CHOOSE DEATH AND DESTRUCTION DEATH AND DESTRUCTION WILL CHOOSE YOU omg I just can't.

The Lazarus Experiment: This episode is about as forgettable as I remember it being (lol), which is to say it has two things going for it: everyone is attractive (MORE FORMALWEAR FOR THE PEOPLE) and... wait, I guess that's basically it. Well, Ten and Martha are cute and Ten finally invites her along properly! "You were never really just a passenger", awww. That is two things. (Though I must say, LOL Ten you were really not clear in any way with the "okay". And also handing her her underwear was douchey.)

But it also means we get to see more of Martha's family and they're terrible. Francine, I hate so much about the things you choose to be. Tish, you were creeped out by old man Lazarus but now that he is youngish you want to hit that? He's not even hot-young, he's just... younger than he previously was. Gross. Look at your life, look at your choices.

Beyond the Joneses, the actual plot is lulzy. At least Ten gets to quote T S Eliot and... play... the organ.

Also one of my favourite deleted scenes is from this episode, the bit with the Declaration of Independence. LOL Ten, you jerk.

doctor who

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