new "collection": Hollow

Nov 05, 2007 17:44

What should I be writing? Probably one of the fic exchange/challenge things I'm signed up for, or Silly Love Songs (which should've been updated like eons ago), or A Thoroughly Unremarkable Day (which I intended to update like eons ago) or, even better, one of the two major essays that I really, really need to start and have not, yet.

What am I writing? None of the above, naturally!

Title: Hollow
Rating: G right now. Or maybe PG for rampant angst. Guess it depends on how much of a pansy you are. Also I am like 99% sure no one gives a shit about ratings unless it's the difference between a PG-13 and an R/NC-17. Has anyone actually ever been like "OH IT IS PG-13 AND I AM TWELVE, I BETTER NOT READ IT"? Come on.
Characters: Various; any pairings will be canon, but I don't expect this will veer into the land of shipping too often.
Summary: Follow various characters on their pilgrimage to Godric's Hollow.
Excerpt: Thinking of them no longer causes an ache so deep he fears he might collapse into himself, and he finds himself worrying that the admirers that cropped up after the fall of Voldemort have faded into obscurity, leaving the Potters' grave forgotten and ignored.

Hollow - March 27, 1985


fanfic, lily evans, harry potter, fic, remus lupin, james potter

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