drabble: push off, for nest_of_spiders

Apr 09, 2007 14:55

Title: Push Off
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Characters: Lily, James, implications of Sirius, Remus & Peter
Prompt: Day 7, nest_of_spiders

“You’re absolutely reckless, the lot of you!”

She is irritated. She cannot comprehend why they cannot be more careful. Don’t they see how risky it’s become to be so passionate, to wear your heart on your sleeve?

“Perhaps.” He grins at her, and then winks. “But my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset, and the baths of all the western stars, until I die.”

He kisses her cheek once and runs after the other three. She stares after them, agape, then bites her lip and follows, resigned. He’s right, maybe.

'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.

lily evans, james potter, drabble, nest_of_spiders

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