one-shot: how lovely are thy branches

Apr 02, 2007 22:56

I started writing this like two Christmases ago, and I never finished. And then, amidst my sudden writing flurry (which is POORLY TIMED, I tell you what, I have so much homework I'm neglecting in favour of creativity) I was like "HEY, I know how to end it now!"

So ...VOILA. A CHRISTMAS FIC IN APRIL! Yay! Well, I suppose it's not really that Christmas-y. But anyhow.

Title: How Lovely Are Thy Branches
Rating: PG
Summary: Late at night on Christmas eve, the Black brothers get into an argument.
Excerpt: “You’re an idiot,” Regulus decided, scowling. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the tree.”

“Yes there is!” Sirius exclaimed, tossing his arms in the air, suddenly incensed. “Everything’s wrong with it! It’s too pretty, it’s too artificial, it’s too… fancy and it’s too pretentious, just like everyone in this bloody house.”


fic, sirius black, regulus black, one-shot

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