this post is not about lost.

May 24, 2010 23:55

Television season finale wrap up! Whee.

Okay so I actually don't have anything to say about Modern Family. It continues to be an adorable feel-good show and that's about all.

The Office
As a filler episode it would've been good. As a season finale? Not so much. It didn't do a lot to set up intrigue for the next season at all. Okay, so Dwight is trying to buy the building complex to continue having crazy Dwight shenanigans... whatever. And they hinted that Holly would come back at some point which we all knew anyway because obviously Michael/Holly is endgame, especially given the speculation that Steve Carrell will leave at the end of next season. I really hope that is true, and I really hope the writers do the clever thing and call it quits with him. This show is running on fumes and needs to end to save its last shreds of dignity. I'll probably keep watching next season because I'm a completist like that, but if for some horrible reason it gets renewed for an s8 someone please god make me bow out.

The IT guy calling them out on their shit I enjoyed, though. LOL IT GUY. YOU TELL IT LIKE IT IS.

Ryan and Kelly continue to be the highlight of every episode for me. It is too bad they do not get many lines anymore.

How I Met Your Mother
This episode was all right overall, but not fabulous. The problem with the Robin/Don plotline was that they just kept telling us things with Robin and Don were going swimmingly, but we never got to know Don at all, and he was always a totally periphery character. Robin said things like O YA DON IS GREAT LOL, but since the only episodes we actually saw him in were at the start of the season and he wasn't wearing pants, it was a little hard for me to really believe her. And so the Tragic Demise of Robin/Don was not very tragic because who even cares.

I think there's also something that makes me scratch my head about Robin's arc and how she's a ~better person~ now that she prioritizes love over her career. It's like I see what they're doing thar but I am not sure I approve. Maybe it is just because I never liked Robin/Don, or maybe it is just because I am not a romantic person. Either way I was sort of like "...oh". I also find it odd that after a billion years of her skewed relationship with Ted, and dating Barney, the relationship that is supposed to ~change~ Robin is one we never even see. It's like they knew they wanted to get her character to a certain point (whether they have a reason for that or not who knows) but they didn't know how to do it so they were like "let's just throw in a couple expository lines here and there and then we can wrap it up in the finale".

The Marshall/Lily outcome was totally expected, even if the "four months later" jump-cut was a total cop-out lolol. I guess that brings us to September though so that they can keep being in "real time" or thereabouts when the season picks up again in the fall.

There seemed to be at least some kind of token effort to keep developing Barney while also keeping him as a total womanizing douchebag, so... I don't know, at least they tried, I guess? lirl. And Ted has actually been really amusing me these last few episodes which is probably a sign that something is totally wrong.

I suppose I will see where things go next season. UGH TELEVISION I WISH I KNEW HOW TO QUIT YOU.

And since those are now over I guess I can officially move on to my summer viewing. I think I'm going to pick up Community like everyone and their mom, and bazcat89 and I have a deal to start watching Secret Diary. For the plot, obviously.

In mostly unrelated news, do any of you have a gif of Ten drowning spiderbabies? goldy_dollar and I cannot figure out why this apparently doesn't exist.

how i met your mother, the office, modern family

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