a bunch of fics i never thought i'd write but have now written. huzzah!

Mar 18, 2010 08:55

So here are the fruits of that name three fics you think I will never, ever, write and I will attempt to write a snippet of one of them meme.

papilio_luna suggested 1. Porn of any sort, 2. Ten/Ten II/Rose, and
3. Doctor/Donna shipfic

Donna could think of at least a dozen reasons why snogging the Doctor against a coral strut in the console room was a bad idea. Maybe two dozen, if she put her mind to it.

And yet there she was anyway, one hand in his hair, one hand holding his tie, all too aware of the bizarre but fascinating double beat of his hearts.

Snogging a mate, that wasn’t a first. That particular honour had gone to Danny Pritcher in Year 10. The whole affair had lasted no longer than a week, at which point Donna had decided that "Danny and Donna" would look simply ridiculous on wedding invitations. Snogging an alien, now, that was new.

Scratch that off the bucket list, then.

She let go of his hair, reaching down to start undoing his tie in earnest. The Doctor’s hands, however, stayed anchored resolutely at her waist, something that might have made Donna frown, had her mouth not been otherwise engaged. She could think of far more useful endeavors his hands could engage in rather than merely wrinkling her shirt. She was just about to tell him as much when the Doctor pulled back.

“Donna,” he started, and then paused to catch his breath. (And if seeing the smartest man in the universe flustered by her snogging prowess made Donna a little smug, well, who wouldn’t be?) “Donna, are you sure…?”

Donna stared at him incredulously, slipping the knot from his tie but holding on to both ends. “Does it feel like I’m hesitating?”

“Well… no,” he admitted, even as he scratched the back of his neck.

Tugging him closer by the ends of his tie, Donna raised an eyebrow. It certainly felt like he was enjoying himself. “D’you want me to stop?”

The Doctor swallowed. “Not… not exactly, no,” he squeaked, and Donna smirked. “I just thought… I don’t want this to…”

Donna rolled her eyes. “I swear to God if you say ‘ruin our friendship’ I’m taking away all your Sandra Bullock DVDs.” The Doctor only stared at her, and Donna sighed. “Look, we’re mates. For reasons I’d probably prefer not to analyze, you seem to like me a hell of a lot more than any human ever has. It’s been an embarrassingly long time since I had a good shag and I reckon it’s been three times that for you - and no, I don’t need specific dates, thanks.”

For a moment the Doctor only looked at her. Then he grinned, amused. “Do you always give such a sexy speech when you try to seduce someone?”

Donna hit him in the face with his tie. “Besides,” she went on, “if anyone in the universe could use a good stress-relief shag, it’s you.”

The Doctor’s grin turned to a look of indignity almost instantly. “Oi! What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means,” said Donna, dropping his tie and turning her attention to the buttons on his suit jacket, “that you should shut up before you talk yourself out of one.”

The Doctor looked down, watching her hands, and swallowed. Then he nodded. “Right. Shutting up.”

As a strictly precautionary measure, Donna went back to snogging him.

dashafeather gave me 1, Eleven/River Song porn, 2. Something where Jack is the main character (lol @ this being in here, btw) and
3. Ten/Rose babyfic

Rose was certain the Doctor was hiding something.

To his credit, he was very good at pretending he wasn’t. He smiled and doted on her and wasn’t it brilliant, this whole starting-a-family thing? Even when she’d first told him, terrified he was going to panic, he’d been quick to smile and kiss her and proclaim the whole thing to be fantastic.

It wasn’t enough to curb Rose’s suspicions; she knew his tendency to keep his most intimate emotions bottled up, even from her, even after all this time. You said you were a dad once before, she’d say, and he’d shrug and wave one hand evasively because that was different. No matter how many times she tried, she couldn’t get him to admit to any amount of fear or worry. Most of the time, it seemed like he’d never been happier.

But every so often she caught a glimpse of him when he thought no one was looking. It was rare, but the look was the same, every time-helpless and trapped and terrified, like a cornered animal. She couldn’t stop worrying that one day he’d bolt.

So she pleaded and prodded and urged him to talk to her, and each time he told her he was fine Rose found herself feeling more desperate. She slept with one arm firm around him, half-convinced he’d be gone by the time she woke up.

christycorr gave me Nine/Jack, Elton/Ursula (if your first thought was "....John/the Sea Witch???!" then let me say: mine too) and

1. Ten/River meet for the second time
“How do you know my name?” she demanded.

The Doctor blinked. “What?”

“You said my name.” River’s eyes narrowed, and though she held her ground he saw her whole body tense. She looked him up and down, and the Doctor shifted under the sudden scrutiny. “Have we met?”

The Doctor raised his eyebrows. “Apparently not.” He lifted one hand and wiggled his fingers in a brief wave. “Hello!” He moved towards the locked door behind her and River stepped out of his way, giving him a wide berth and a very suspicious glare.

Right, he thought, first meeting. He could do that. Probably.

He fished his screwdriver out of his pocket and pressed it to the lock of the door. He supposed he ought to introduce himself, but-

“That’s a sonic screwdriver,” said River, and the Doctor looked over to find her watching him closely. There was a stern look on her face, like she’d just caught a child doing something very naughty.

He nodded slowly. “Yes. Yes it is.”

He reached for the door handle but River’s hand got there first. She held the door shut and quirked an eyebrow, tilting her head impatiently. “That’s the Doctor’s screwdriver.”

“Yes, it’s…” The Doctor blinked again. “Wait, what?”

Oh, this relationship was going to do his head in.

noblealice gave me RPF of anyone ever, Martha/Rose, sexytimes and .

1) Twilight fic, any ship, any place in the time frame of the books
“She’s not even that pretty,” Lauren says, and even over the phone Jessica can hear the pop and snap of her chewing gum.

Jessica wedges the phone between her shoulder and hear ear, popping her right foot up on her left knee and spreading her toes as far apart as she can while she unscrews the top of the nail-polish container. She probably shouldn’t say anything, she thinks. Bella’s supposed to be her friend, or something.

But Lauren does have a point.

“Mmmhm,” Jessica says, sweeping the nail-polish brush over the nail of her big toe. “I mean, not that she’s ugly or anything, but-”

“She’s got a weird nose,” Lauren says. “And her hair’s like-I don’t know, isn’t she from Arizona? Hasn’t she heard of highlights?”

She goes on like that for a while, itemizing Bella Swan’s facial features and eventually moving on to her clothes. Jessica ‘mmm’s and ‘uh-huh’s in the right places but barely listens, focusing instead on her toenails.

“…and I mean, even Mike’s been all ga-ga over-”

“What?” Jessica sits up so fast the phone nearly falls and she has to make a last-minute catch of the nail-polish bottle to prevent a serious spill. “Has he-“ She catches the eagerness in her own voice and flushes almost as red as her toenails. Clearing her throat, she tries again. “He has not.”

“Come on, Jess, he totally has-”

“That’s-that’s just him. You know Mike-he wants to be everyone’s BFF.”

On the other end of the line, Lauren snorts. “When Mike thinks of Bella Swan and f-words, he’s not thinking of ‘friends forever’.”

“Whatever,” Jessica says briskly, painting her nails with an irritable vigour. “Anyway, I’ve gotta go. Ton of algebra homework. See you later.”

She hangs up the instant Lauren says “bye” and tosses the phone onto her comforter. Mike doesn’t like Bella. That’s stupid. Mike doesn’t even know Bella.

Still, Jessica figures, the first dance is Girls’ Choice. It can’t hurt to get first choice.

goldy_dollar gave me Doctor Who/Twilight Crossover, Martha and Rose chilling in the TARDIS (which I would totally write, for the record), and

Immortal!Rose tracks down the Doctor after Cloen dies off
Rose had long since fallen asleep, the emotional weariness having worn away at the last of her energy. She was nestled up alongside him, one hand fisted around his shirt, her cheeks almost dry by now. The Doctor watched her sleep, studying her impossibly young face and feeling nauseous.

This was his fault. He’d taken a nineteen-year-old girl and condemned her to a life of losing everyone, over and over again. He knew what that was like, and it wasn’t something he’d ever wish on anyone else.

Certainly not Rose.

Suddenly the remaining few decades in his new human lifespan seemed ludicrously short, not to mention bleak. The slow decay of human ageing was not something he’d ever been looking forward to, but it had seemed manageable enough with Rose at his side. But to go through that alone-the prospect was terrifying.

Rose would stay with him, he knew. She was braver than he’d ever been, in that respect. She’d wait with him while he withered and died and he’d know, every second, how it felt for her. He knew the helplessness and the frustration and the despair. He knew, even better than she did, the long, lonely life she was trapped in. He knew exactly the pain his short human life would put her through.

He couldn’t do that to her. Not to Rose.

He ran a hand gently over her hair as she burrowed closer to him, running over the possibilities in his head. Maybe he should leave. It’d been barely three years, and the less time they spent together, the easier it would be for her to lose him. The sooner she found the other Doctor, the better-even he wouldn’t be around forever.

The Doctor pressed a kiss to the top of Rose’s head and then lay back against his pillow, staring at the ceiling through the dark. The prospect of spending the rest of his life without her wasn’t a cheery thought, but it was worth it if it made things even the slightest bit easier on her. She’d be furious, but maybe years down the line she’d understand. Maybe she could even find a few centuries of happiness on the other side of the Void.

He would miss her, though. Swallowing thickly, the Doctor closed his eyes as they started to sting.

He was so very tired of the universe hurting everyone he loved.

rose_dawson attempted to foil me (and failed) by giving me 1. Lucille/Maeby. Gangy always knows best, 2. Claire/Dylan. In the moonlight, he looks like Ricky and

Lady Gaga/Honey B -- Telephone Continued
They have to leave the Pussy Wagon to get on the jet.

“I fucking loved that car,” Honey B says later, adjusting the brim of her hat in the mirror. Her fingers still as she looks at herself and frowns. Trust is like a mirror. You can fix it if it’s broke.

“I know.” Lady Gaga’s face appears in the mirror next to hers, and their reflections smile at each other. “That’s why I got you this.”

She reaches down the front of her shirt and pulls out a long, silver chain. Dangling from the end is the keychain from the car keys - Pussy Wagon, it reads, in big, pink letters. Awed, Honey B holds out her hands, but Lady Gaga shakes her head.

“Let me,” she says, and it’s barely a whisper.

She undoes the clasp at the end of the chain and reaches, oh-so-slowly, around Honey B’s neck. Her fingers are cold as they brush against Honey B’s skin, and Honey B can feel her heart speed up. The clasp clicks into place, and the old keychain falls softly against Honey B’s chest.

But Lady Gaga doesn’t move her hands.

She looks down, though, admiring her craftsmanship-or something else entirely-and then looks up with a smile. “Looks good,” she says.

“Thanks,” says Honey B.

And suddenly they’re kissing, the brims of their hats smashing together.

Over on the couch, Lady Gaga’s purse vibrates as her cell phone rings.

“Let it go to voicemail,” Honey B says.

erateini gave me Doctor and Jackie have a fling, Ten/Ten2/Rose, and

For the record, if the sonic screwdriver can turn regular glasses into sunglasses, it can do anything.

Cloen and Martha

The first familiar stranger he runs into is Dr. Martha Jones.

He guesses that’s her name, anyway; for all he knows she might not be a Jones anymore, or a doctor, or even a Martha. But she looks just like Martha, and so when he gets distracted and walks into her in the morning bustle of the pavement, it takes him a second to reign in his thoughts.

She topples onto her backside and the Doctor stumbles but catches himself before he falls on top of her. For a split second they blink at each other in confusion, the Doctor’s mind reeling.

“Sorry,” she says right away, sheepish, although he’s fairly certain the fault is entirely his because he’s the one who’d been staring suspiciously at the sky, “I was looking at my…” She pauses to search the pavement around her and frowns. “…phone,” she finishes forlornly, picking the mobile up off the ground. Standing above her, the Doctor can just make out the broken display screen.

Blimey, he thinks. He’s always bad luck for Martha Jones.

“Ooh, sorry about that. Let me see?” he asks, and holds out his hand, and even though he’s the complete stranger who just knocked her down on the pavement she hands it over as she helps herself to her feet.

“I was thinking of getting a new one anyway,” she says, while he reaches into his pocket for his screwdriver. “It was getting a bit…” Her brow furrows as he turns on the screwdriver, that Martha Jones look of curiosity and skepticism. “What is that?”

He doesn’t answer. Instead he flashes her a quick grin and hands her back her phone, its display screen back in one piece. “There you go! That’s better.”

She stares at the phone, her mouth ajar. “How did you…?”

The Doctor clears his throat, tucking his sonic screwdriver back into his suit jacket. “Well, I’d best be off. Sorry about that! I’ll try to watch where I’m going next time.” With a smile and a quick wave, the Doctor moved around her.

“What?” he hears her say, and he can imagine her spinning around. “But how did--?”

The Doctor speeds up, weaving through the mess of people until he can’t hear her anymore. He’s certain she’s lovely, really, but he suspects they’re better off this way-he’s bad luck for Martha Jones, but more than that he’s worried that if he sticks around he’ll find out she’s not Dr. Martha Jones at all. Every universe ought to have one, he thinks.

Just in case.

And mrv3000, sweetcherrytree and professor_spork all gave me prompts that I could not bring myself to write, lirl.

sweetcherrytree gave me Doctor/Merlin/Sheldon, Cloen/Edward/Jacob and Bella/Gwen/Jackie.

professor_spork gave me 1. River Song/Rose shipfic, 2. the Doctor regenerates into a unicorn. a non-Rose companion is present. MUST BE ANGSTY, and 3. Mickey/K9 sexytimes.

And mrv3000 gave me Sheldon/Ten, Sheldon/Rose and Sheldon/Jack, which was just cruel.

WOO. Long post is long. I actually quite enjoyed doing this meme, even if most of these storylines horrify me in some way. I would recommend it if you are feeling ~daring~. It was the most I'd written in a few months, so that was fun. I also discovered that it is very very difficult for me to write "a snippet" without trying to give it a begining/middle/end.

fic, twilight is so damn funny, doctor who

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