this post is mostly about doctor who. universal order has been restored.

Mar 09, 2010 21:08

1. My dad is in Sweden on business right now. His email on the matter says, "Everyone speaks english here & landscape looks a lot like Canada." DON'T MAKE IT SOUND SO EXOTIC, DAD.

Who am I kidding, I am totally jealous. I even sent hysteriagalore a stupid email that was like "HEY WE HAVE SOME OF UR MONEYZ LOLOL SO COOL LOL~" and I assume she turned away in shame.

2. I had been previously informed by bazcat89 and miss_mishi that it was pretty good, and I must say I was impressed by them actually acknowledging the plot line that they seemed to have dropped like a hot potato. I sort of liked the Robin-was-secretly-upset angle and hey, we got to see Barney be marginally human again! Hurrah1 Though to be honest I still would've liked to have seen any inclination at all that Barney was at some point even for like, five minutes, upset once before he returned to being one-dimensional, but clearly I am asking for miracles.

Having said that I am still sighing impatiently through the Robin/Don shenanigans.

3. So shinyopals mentioned that in one of the Doctor Who comics or something there's a bit where Donna leaves a video goodbye for Ten. Upon learning this my reaction was a mix of glee and outrage at HOW DARE THIS EXIST WITHOUT ANYONE TELLING ME UNTIL NOW! Anyway the scans are huge so I didn't want to look at work, but I got all excited by this tidbit and started planning a fic on the bus home and everything... only to actually look at the scans and learn they are basically the animated version of my fic. So... humph. Fine then, comic book person, be that way, I guess I won't infringe copyrights tonight.

4. Matt Smith is officially hilarious, which moves him up a lot in my estimations, though to be fair he was never particularly low. How can you resent a man who loves Mini Eggs, I ask you. I am getting more and more impatient for s5 to just start already. COME ON.

5. Most of you have probably seen this already but for the few who may not have and will appreciate it: lol 80s David Tennant lol

how i met your mother, life the universe and everything, opal sounds posh, doctor who

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