all youtube recommends for me these days is disney songs and doctor who fanvideos

Nov 03, 2009 14:04

I don't know how many/if any of you crazy kids still write Harry Potter fanfiction, but if you do, I encourage you all to sign up for's Annual Christmas Fic Exchange. Fourth year running! Huzzah. After shenanigans last year in which I suddenly realized I was writing Ten when I was meant to be writing James Potter, I have made the executive decision to sit this one out. But it was always fun, so if that's your thing, go for it.

In unrelated news, I guess David Tennant is going to be in the pilot for some NBC show. Pretty much everything detailed in that article has me going

Lastly, I am killing time before work and goldy_dollar and johnmayergirl23 both wanted me to do the "ramble about what makes them awesome" thing from that meme I did yesterday, so
1. Buster from Arrested Development

Um... honestly I don't have much to say about Buster. This is one of those shows where I don't really have a favourite, because they are all equally hilarious and jerkish, but apparently yesterday I was in a Buster sort of mood. "I'M A MONSTER!!"

2. Kelly Kapoor from The Office

Kelly is great. Every episode would be improved with more Kelly. Mindy Kaling is also kind of my hero. I have elabroate fanon about altKelly working for Vitex and being frienemies with altDonna. They gossip about celebrities together.

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3. Chris Turk from Scrubs

I rewatched season 1 of Scrubs recently and it dawned on me how very fond I am of Turk. I like Dr. Cox, and I like most of the other characters, but something about Turk hits the appropriate level of lulzy and genuine for me. Plus, Turk/Carla gets points for not having an excessive on-off thing over and over and over for seasons. Yes, JD/Elliot, I'm looking at you. Plus, aside from "Guy Love", Turk and Carla get the best song:

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4. Marshall Eriksen from How I Met Your Mother

When I first started watching HIMYM I was only really hanging around for Barney. Then the show started to pick up, and sometime in last season I realized that my favourite character is in fact Marshall. By a long shot. He even gets three lj icons so you know he's srs bsnss. He also has the incredible talent of being a sitcom character who isn't a total asshole, which is like finding a fairy riding a unicorn through a field of four-leaf clovers.


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5. An apparent tie between Ten2/Handy/Cloen/Etc and Donna Noble from Doctor Who

When I first did this meme I couldn't decide who was the favourite in my heart of hearts, Donna or Ten. Eventually I decided on Donna because while I love all three companions dearly, Donna is the one who made me cry and somehow I went from disliking her to being super attached, which I think is the mark of great writing and acting, so kudos all around. I thought her arc was awesome albeit terribly sad, and even if I ship Doctor/Rose like it's my job, the interaction between the Doctor and Donna was always hilarious, and season 4 is my favourite.

Then both bazcat89 and rattus_aerius guessed Cloen and I realized I hadn't even considered him and he is the combo-pack of win that is Ten plus Donna, so I figured he got to be included. I think hysteriagalore once made the comparison that he is the awesome uncle who sneaks you alcohol at Christmas, while Ten is the one who asks you how school is going, and basically I figure this is fact. Poor Ten, out-awesomed by his own severed hand.

Plus this is like my favourite scene ever:

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6. Ja'mie King from Summer Heights High

Ja'mie is every girl I ever hated in middleschool, and apparently that translates into her being my favourite when it comes to Australian mockumentaries. I am constantly boggled by how Chris Lilley manages to portray a teenage girl so very, very convincingly.

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7. Raj Koothrapali from The Big Bang Theory

I think I might be breaking up with this show, but I am pretty fond of Raj. Like my love for Marshall -- albeit less intense -- this kind of just appeared out of nowhere.

8. Toshiko Sato from Torchwood

In seasons 1 and 2 of Torchwood, Tosh was the only character that I found to be even slightly competent, and I stil maintain that she was the most bamf of all. I mean, she built a sonic screwdriver or whatever the hell, UNIT went all V for Vendetta on her ass for no apparent reason, and then she saves the world while bleeding to death. Badass.

Here is a clip of her pointing out everyday Torchwood incompetence:

image Click to view, life the universe and everything, harry potter, torchwood: failing since 1879, doctor who, how i met your mother, meme, big bang theory

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