Fri, 13:51: Woke up to 60+ mentions, 39 snaps, 16 texts, 3 missed calls, and 2 voicemails. Don't even with email. I feel loved and afraid.
Fri, 14:30: The voicemails I got were concerned friends letting me know they had no Lorde luck either. Sold out in 3 mins :( @ Whedonite96
Fri, 14:42: Will I ever not cry like a 11 year old girl over Kerri Strug? The world may never know. It's been happening since 1996, so it's unlikely.
Fri, 14:49: Let's talk about the tears and snot @ _justjens_ just caused to happen? Thank you for being you and thank you Twitter for giving me Jen
Fri, 14:50: Like, to tell you how much I love, appreciate, and heart Jen in 140 characters would be a true Christmas miracle because impossible.
Fri, 14:52: I have to get ready to go to work. I have to stop crying. Both these things seem unlikely to happen anytime soon.
Fri, 15:27: Barbara Walters told Miley that being in love is not knowing who you are w/o your significant other! AND YOU SAY MILEY IS A BAD ROLE MODEL?!
Fri, 15:28: This is what we will be talking about today over at Thee Fefe's TL. Miley said she learned to be ok w/ being alone. Barbara says but why?
Fri, 15:29: THAT! THAT! is what is wrong with girls today. They are being taught that you can't be you if you're alone. Taught by Barbara NOT MILEY
Fri, 15:34: The Powerpuff Girls will return to airwaves for a one-night special next month, and they're getting a little help from Mr. Ringo Starr
Fri, 15:35: You're bad because your tongue's out and you behaved like a 19/20 yr old but listen to the old broad who says you're incomplete w/o a man
Fri, 15:40: Watching 10 most fascinating people, the Duck Dy guys are kinda amusing. Again don't exude the type to have progressive views on ANYthing
Fri, 15:54: Wow. I really must have pissed off a member of management. I work zero days next week.
Fri, 21:58: Who is thee Fefe, you ask, here's some info: I'm sitting in the car outside a frat party, eating chicken nuggets & tweeting.
Fri, 22:09: I can't catch up on anymore Twitter, Sarah broke me and now i can't read the screen through my tears.
Fri, 22:59: Le sigh, enforcing the frat boy stereotype, "let's go jump in the lake", it's 11 degrees. Sigh, I say, sigh. I want my bed and Netflix.
Sat, 00:03: It smells like a skunk fell into a ditch also known as buy better product, people. Kinda smells like high school :/
Sat, 00:46: Why are like 6 of you tweeting about Friends finale. Like, no, don't do that.
Sat, 00:48: Apparently @ annaKpuerta sounds like a 12 yr old white girl from the Valley in 1987 because was just told we sound alike.