Nov 26, 2003 00:00
school sucked
work was ok. im getting good at selling stuff lol and talking to kids.
cute boys make me smile
tomorow i have one class then school till 7 THEN IM FREE OF WORK TILL 9PM on friday. i need to do a report but still. then
friday - 9pm-2am (paper and long nap befor work)
saturday - 6pm-10 (before work hang wtih sam)
sunday - 10am-3pm (then club)
monday - OFF WORK
tuesday - on call 6pm-11pm (lets hope i am cause I NEED the cash)
wendsday - OFF WORK
thursday - 5pm-10pm
Friday - 5pm-10pm
saturday - 10am-5pm
and yeah. i also have to do a paper....hmmm...and have a
life somehow! lol and get a bf and keep him somehow
well i must go kids. im tried.