Oct 19, 2010 17:23
Check it out Live Journal... im friggin back. Why? mostly because my job currently is a desk job and as i am the most efficient worker in the world, i have rounded all the internet bases and found my way back to 2007. After this, I am sure i will be hanging out on ebaumsworld and albinoblacksheep. Maybe even stickdeath.com.
so my journeys... I'm a little dirty, I'm a little worldly and i am definitely a little wiser. Currently, i am a DEPUTY field organizer with the Democratic Party of Iowa. Yet again, i get a job that i am far unqualified for. Do employers even look at resumes or applications? Anyways, i conned myself into this sweet gig only days after i was selling corn on the corner of olive and Center. So as far as work and oppurtunities and fun stuff like that, thats where i am at. at this point i'm just telling myself that i am living the dream instead of actually doing so.
but its baby steps, always small steps forward. as long as you get somewhere.
dont get me wrong, there are far worse things i could be doing with my time, i mean wayyyyy worse things. right now i get to help a friend get elected again to the state house and hang out with the governor, the only problem is that now when i watch zombie movies, i identify with the zombies. desk jobs are not for this kid.
and yeah, im still a kid, im only 23.
so im feeling pretty track 2 from your new favorite weapon for a pretty important reason. im very confident that noone is ever going to read this so im pretty sure i can be pretty open. im bummed about iowa, bummed about the united states and my love life is trash that even trash would make hang out in the weird area of happy places. truth is i am in iowa while things that i love are not. maybe not love, but things i want to love, things that i am very capable of loving. and this is sketchy.
sketchy for allllll the right reasons. all the right reasons that make any kind of affection and/or love, fail terribly. distance, school, me not being cool at all. she is the typical apple in the tree and i am the typical midget.
what can i say, she makes me feel like i am living inside of a cure song. she makes this overworked heart pound the inside of my chest like the dirt that lays in churchill downs.
and what bums me out is that i am jude law. and she has the semester abroad, and i doubt she is telling all the english boys she meets about the american boy back in the states. the one who would do anything she says.
this would be a pretty pathetic post for people to read so i posted it on a website that would ensure privacy. who knows maybe ill write a note about it on myspace.