Jan 03, 2008 13:57
So i saw miami ink a long time ago, like 3 months ago. there was this guy who was handicapped and couldnt move his feet or legs and he suffered from mild retardation. he had a twin brother who was big and buff and he wanted to get a tattoo. i forget what like the design in the backround was going to be but he got the words "he aint heavy". in refference to his brother. from that little sentence you can see alot of thier life. maybe alot of people coming up the able kid and saying stuff that would lead to make the able kid to feel like he has a burden. like he has something to worry about at home. and the handicapped guy probably made it his goal in life to make it not so hard for his brother. thats pretty neat in my book.
So today is caucus day, as in my first caucus day. but im not to worried about it ill caucus like the best of them.
GOOD NEWS!! in four days im going back to chicago with my girly girl. we are going on tuesday to rockford and then to wheaton on wednesday. then on thursday we are going to the brookfield zoo to see some animals...for free. then on friday well i dont knwo what we are going to do on friday, probably drive around and see the world. i know friday night is the night i want to drive to down town chicago and show becci some sweet things. i got this book about infamous places in chicago. like murders, or places where things burned down. like in 1957 there was a school that burned down and killed 37 kids because the fire escapes were locked. the school was called our lady of angels and those kids are buried like 30 feet from my grandma and grandpa. i know its kind of weird but i want to go see those places, like where the st valentines day massacre happened or counsellors row where robert cooley wore a wire on pat marcy and the rest of the first ward of chicago. yeah i know im a nerd and all that but its sort of neat to go to chicago and see these famous places that are literally 10 miles away from where i grew up. there is a guy that has been in the news lately his name is drew peterson. i guess his 4th wife disappeared and his third wife died in her bathtub. well he lives three blocks from where our house used to be in boilingbrook. and his 3rd wife is buried in the same cemetary as my grandparents.
so on that following saturday we are going back downtown to see wicked, that play about the witch from the wizard of oz. i cant decide if i want to take becci to one of those restaurants in little italy where they have the checkered tablecloth or if i want to take her to Ed debevics where the waiters and waitresses all yell at you and say funny things. see the benefit there is that i can see the playoff games there. then the next day we come back home.
so yeah thats what the world has planned for me today and this week. so maybe you guys could help with the decision there,, little italy or rush street neighborhood. rosebuds or ed debevics. if it helps i think becci is leaning towards EDs so please let me know.,