Jan 26, 2007 11:56
so sometimes i get into a funk that noone read about the other day. i get all sad and i hate life because it seems like there is no limit to the various ways i get fucked over. i mean i get fucked over just like everyone else, i just get a little bit more depressed about it.... anyways everytime something terrible like that happens, there is some sort of intervention in my life that makes me know why i should be happy i woke up.
so i wake up and i head to comp. it sucks but its fine, and then i go to music appreciation and that was alright. but then i went to micro and we had a surprise test, well it was a surprise for me because i didnt know it was going to happen since i missed wednesday. however hashem keeps it consistant and gave us a test that we took three times last semester in macro so i knew the answers WOO. then i wrote a poem for becci, and i came home and SUCCESFULLY RE WIRED my stereo speakers so they play whatever is on my computer. YESSS>