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Feb 22, 2005 13:06

this weekend was ok.. kinda weird. thursday.. did nothing.. friday beach! came real close to getting my ear pierced.. then decided i should wait.. and now im broke.. so i have to wait. worked.. watched disc 1 of the oc alone. uhh saturday.. worked. got shit from the parents as usual.. and then fun times doin nothin really.. go karts.. and going to eat while me and the bf were two broke assholes drinking water. haha i kept calling chachi this weekend to hang out because i am a moron and apperently have short term memory loss.. i think she told me about 3 times she was out of town with dan.. i'm retarded. i miss hangin out with you fool! stop going out of town with bubbi! bubbi- i miss you too.. anyway..um.. sunday? umm.. watched old school.. and slept.. then worked.. theennnn my awesome not so awesome adventure that includes wrong directions, griffin road, dark 1 lane roads, taxi cab parking lots, old griffin road? east, west? alone, scared, and all without a cell phone. thanks dan for bringing me my phone cuz there was no way i was leavin my house again. i was so mad too cuz when i get pissed like that i need me some icecream.. but i didnt get any :( i went swimming yesterday!! it was amazing.. long course.. but amazing.. i want to swim again so bad. i did a 1000 while garrett did 300.. ha. <3 i asked cowmeadow a couple weeks ago if i just showed up at his pratice if i could swim for free and he said sure... so maybe one day soon if i find time i'll go swim with him. i'll probably die though... theres no way i could keep up with sets and intervals. its worth a shot though i guess. i didnt go to the show last night cuz my dad was giving me shit about always being out and tomorrows a school night and all that crap.. but i heard it was really good.. i watched a couple more episodes of the oc instead. its official.. im obsessed. my dad sent me my mom and my sister this really mean email about me and dorms and fsu and all that nonsense saying if i dont stay for a full year hes gona stop paying for my sisters house and they will have to sell it.. definitly bad decision on his part cuz now instead of just having me mad at him.. hes got the whole family really really pissed off at him.. my mom sent this awesome bitch email back though.. it was funny. i love how my family communicates through emails.. we are so ridiculous. my mom keeps offering me to move into her house. i cant do that. i just cant. its too far. and i'd have to quit abercrombie.. or transfer to town center and town center sucks. and i'd feel bad for my dad.. he would probably be so hurt. i dooonnnttt knoooowwwwwww. we'll see how it goes during the next month i guess. uhhhh ok i'm done

much love.
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