I'm bringin survey back! YEAH!

Jan 04, 2007 00:42

1. what is the geekiest part of your music collection?
Hm. Geeky? Let's see. I have music from the anime Samurai Champloo, I guess that's kinda geeky.

2. what do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?
Whatever I can get in my mouth the quickest. A bowl of cereal is always good.

3. what is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?
Forrest Gump. The older I get the more it makes me a little sad at parts when I see it. I'm too empathetic, it doesn't take a lot to get me a little emotional.

4. if you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
I'd want the face of a young Denzel Washington. On my stomache. How many people with faces on their belly do you know? I'd be the coolest.

5. do you have a completely irrational fear?
I have fears, but I don't consider them irrational. I'm afraid of driving, which is a fear that nobody seems to share with me, but it's not irrational, but car accidents are a leading cause of death in America, and I'm too clumsy and aloof to trust myself behind the wheel of something that destructive. It's something I want to get over though, because getting around on the bus is getting old.

6. what is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment?
Watery eyes. It's wierd, I just tear up involuntarily when I'm very nervous or uncomfortable sometimes. I don't cry, and I don't want to cry, my eyes just get all watery.

7. are you a pyromaniac?
No. BUT, I want to learn how to start a fire. That'd be cool. I just never have the oppurtunity.

8. do you have too many love interests?
I don't have any love interests at all. I haven't been participating in the social scene lately, I've got other stuff to worry about right now, girls are not a priority.

9. do you know anyone famous?
I've met people, and I know people who know people. The only people close to famous I know are some well respected successful art professionals.

10. describe your bed:
Tiny but EXTREMELY comfortable. Everybody who lays on my bed falls asleep within minutes.

11. spontaneous or plan?
I used to just let whatever happens happen, but that shit hasn't been working out too good. I think plans might be in order.

12. who should play you in a movie about your life?
A movie about me should be animated. I want that in my fucking will, in my dying wishes. It also HAS to be 2-D, no matter what.

13. do you know how to play poker?
No, and I'm not too anxious to learn.

14. what do you carry with you at all times?
A rubber chicken. Don't ask.

15. what do you miss most about being little?
...all of it and none of it

16. are you happy with your given name?
It's my name, I'm fine with it.

17. how much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?
I think one of those dollar sign bags full of gold coins should suffice.

18. what color is your bedroom?

19. what was the last song you were listening to?
I was listening to a song by Suburban Kids With Biblical Names

20. have you ever been in a play?
Yeah. I liked acting when I was younger, and the drama teachers all told me I was really talented, for a while I thought I might persue that. But nnnaaaah.

21. have you ever been in love?
Not the kind of love between man and woman. No, I'm not talking about homosexuality, I'm talking about loving my family and my friends and art and music and laughing and so many other things. When I was a teenager I thought I loved a lot of girls, but I was a teenager, so I've retrospectively cancelled all of that out as being a dumb teenager.

22. do you talk a lot?
blah blah blah

23. do you like yourself and believe in yourself?
It seems like I'm the only who doesn't believe in me. I think I'm a failure in the making and everybody else thinks I'm destined for greatness.

24. do transient, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?
Some of everybody annoys me.

25. do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
For the most part I'm really nice, but there's a part of me that's growing bitter from putting up with people's shit all the time, and sometimes I have an attitude problem, sometimes I take my frustrations out on the wrong people, or for petty reasons. It's something I'm trying to deal with.

26. do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends?
I just try to fit everybody I like spending time with into my schedule as much as I can. I've never really been in a situation where I have to choose.

27. what is your ideal marriage location?
Ugh. Marriage isn't something I even want to begin thinking about right now. I'm going to need some serious convincing before I even consider it.

28. which musical instrument do you wish you could play?
....all of them.

29. favorite fabric?
i don't know. the not itchy kind.

30. something you love and hate?
this fucking computer of mine.

31. what kind of bedding do you use?
Uh, I have a spring mattress, is that answering the question? I don't know what "bedding" is. Sounds soft though.

32. do you tell your friends about your sex life?
A little bit. I'm not explicit about it though, I don't like people who are like that. I don't want or need to hear all the details about how you were fucking somebody.

33. what's the one language you want to learn?
I know a little spanish, but I'd love to be fluent. I think spanish is underrated.

34. how do you eat an apple?
I like to slice pieces off with a butter knife. Or just, ya know, bite it, with my mouth.

35. what do you order at a bar?
I don't.

36. have you ever pierced your body parts?
No, and I'm not at all interested.

37. do you have tattoos?
See question 36.

38. would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery any kind if confronted?
No, I'd like for people to think the Denzel face on my stomache is natural. Because who doesn't want to be known as a freak of nature?

39. what's one of the "funniest" things you've ever done?
You'd have to ask my friends. I was pretty out there in highschool though. One of my favorite things was one day me and my friends were standing around outside after school, and one of our teachers passed by, and one of my friends jokingly asked if they could get a ride. She declined, and then I said "Mrs Banks can I get a ride?" then for some reason "...on your back?" came out of my mouth. It was a great moment.

Another thing I kinda like is when I was dating this one girl we were riding the bus, we were in the middle of the bus, and in the front was this lady and her baby who was probably around 2. He was a cute little boy. Me and the kid where making faces at eachother and stuff, having fun. I turned to my girlfriend and I was like "That's going to be my son." and she's like "Awww, you want a son like that?" and I was like "No... I want THAT child." and she laughed and I was like "I'm serious, that is my son." and she was telling me to stop in that you're making me laugh kind of way, but I kept going with it. "His name is Adam." and she was like "Jeffrey stop!" and I would wave to the kid and whisper "Heyyy Adam. I love you.", but only my girlfriend could hear me. It went on like that for a while, she was begging me to stop the whole time. I thought it was pretty hilarious.

40. do you drive stick?

41. what's one trait you hate in a person?
There are many. One of the major ones is when people are completely oblivious to themselves. They're unable to see how they act or how their actions affect people. All of us have are bad side, but I think most people are redeemable if they can see that bad side and work to try to correct it as much as they can.

42. what kind of watch(es) do you wear?
I use my cellphone for time.

43. most frivolous purchase?
I don't like spending money, so I tend to spend it practically. I have to really talk myself into buying anything just for enjoyment sake. Recently I bought a Wizard magazine because it had a 33 page special report on Spider-Man 3, plus info on all the other upcoming comic book related movies. It cost 6 dollars. That's my frivolous purchase.

Oh, I like buying notebooks and sketchbooks. I buy them whether or not I need them, just because I like having more when I do.

44. do you consider yourself materialistic?
I'm the most bummy cheap guy you'll ever meet. I don't like spending over 10 dollars for a single article of clothing. My shoes are a pair of plain black lowtop dickies tennis shoes, and when they wear out I go to Big 5's Sporting Goods and buy the same exact pair. The only jewelry I have is a "WWJD" dogtag necklace that belonged to my grandmother before she passed away. I still use the first cellphone I've ever had (which I got like 2 years ago) , it doesn't have a camera, it doesn't play songs, it doesn't really do anything special besides make and recieve calls and text messages, and I don't intend to ever replace it unless it stops working.

45. what do you cook the best?
Sometimes I can muster a really kickass batch of french toast. Sometimes.

46. favorite writing instrument?
Pen. I always have a pen on me.

47. do you prefer to stand out or blend in?
I don't know, it kinda just depends on the environment and situation. I guess what it comes down to is that I want to be noticed for the good and not for the bad.

48. would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
Maybe during Halloween or something. But a classy chick, not a hoochie.

49. what's one car you will never buy?
A lowrider

50. what kind of books do you like to read?
Anything interesting. From kids books to sci-fi to philosophy to comics. As long as the writing is good I'm good.

51. if you won the lottery, what would you do?
Live like I've always wanted to live.

52. burial or cremation?
Burial. I don't want to miss out on being a zombie.

53. how many online journals do you read regularly?

54. what's one thing you're a sore loser at?
I don't know. I'm not that competitive.

55. if you don't like a person, how do you show it?
I don't, I just avoid them and talk to them as little as possible.

56. do you cry in front of friends?
No. Not because I'm afraid to cry aroung other guys, but just because when I'm with the fellas I'm too busy having a good time to cry about anything.

57. what kind of first impression do you think you give to people?
I don't know. I don't think I come off that friendly to people who have never talked to me. I often forget to smile when I make eye contact with someone so I might seem like an asshole or concieted or something, because I just kinda stare, with my brows furrowed. I have to constantly remind myself to politely smile.

58. what's one thing you like to do alone?
porn. well watch it, not do it.

59. are you a giver or a taker?
Taker. Everybody says giver.

60. when's the last time you cried?
months ago I think

61. favorite communication method?
In the flesh

62. how many drinks before you're tipsy?
don't drink

63. do you think you're cute?
I get it a lot, but I don't think they're referring to my looks.

64. do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends?

65. what's the most painful experience you've ever had?
My grandparents passing. That still hurts.

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