Nov 20, 2005 09:10
EDIT: This journal is now friends only. More people then I thought were reading it, and lately my journal has gotten rather personal. If you're a friend (duh), then send a friend request.
Everyone has their time of day. For me, it's mornings. Sadly, most of my mornings are spent in school. But what I mean by time of day, is the time where they feel most attuned to the thoughts and echos of their mind. For me, it's the mornings. Everyday before school I meditate a good thirty or forty minutes, I think it's very therapeutic.
Anyway, I was thinking about a very general topic, Life. I came to the conclusion that there are three goals in life:
> Marriage
> A fulfilling career
> Knowledge
I truely believe that knowledge is what keeps humans running. It's the gas to our engine. However, there are some people who say they don't believe in Marriage. That they never plan to get married. If anyone could possibly shed any sort of light on this, I would love to know why. My mind cannot comprehend it.
I was also thinking about friendship. Not your typical after school special on why it's so great, or why each person needs a friend, but the initial attration to becoming friends. I thrust blame on humor. In fact, when exploring the great cavities of humor, I decided that humor was an enormous part of life.
Think about it. I'm willing to bet half a cheese cake that most of your friends can make you laugh. Maybe they aren't hysterical beyond all beliefs, but they can get you to smile. If you ever ask a girl what they want in a relationship, nine times out of ten they will say they want someone who can make them laugh. I like laughing. I can't think of a single person who doesn't enjoy being happy.
That said, I think humor largely impacts friendships, or any relationship in that matter. There are some people who find me, Marcus, hilarious. There are others who find me, Marcus, increadibly annoying beyond all reason, juvenile, and stupid. Rudiment friendship will not build if I cannot make them laugh. It's that simple. If I am incapable of using my humor to at least make the other person smile, we won't connect. There's a large difference from being friendly acquaintances, then being full fleged out friends. A friendly acquaintance (Hereby simply FA) is that guy on your basketball team who says Good Job after you shoot the winning goal. Your friendship will not extend anywhere outside of realms where you must coexist.
However, after a winning shot in soccer, a friend might run over to you, high five, and begin celebrating as if he himself scored. Who knows, I don't play soccer, all I know is they do crazy backflips and all that good stuff.
That being said, it also depends on how you make them laugh. It's very easy to make someone laugh, but not find the joke funny yourself. It's because it's not your humor.
For example, I relish in wacky, silly, and comedically odd humor. Such as the often joke my friends throw around about eating babies. As odd and disturbing as that sounds, under context it usually proves to be quite hilarious. But that's just my humor. I know MANY people who would find that gross, disturbing, absurd, and down right creepy. So I don't say those jokes around people, because it would make them uncomfortable.
So I might say another joke, which I might still chuckle at, but it isn't exactly my humor. They smile and laugh, but it was a fake empathetic joke on my side, so no true connection is discovered.
Now on a complete different track (Not really), you may be thinking "Wait, I'm pretty good friends with Mr.Jones, but we don't make each other laugh." Wrong. In many elder to young relationships, there is a vague sense of friendship. However, it's the plateau they exist on which nulifies this relationship...
Sadly, I grow weary of typing, so I'm going to go eat some brunch. I may or may not return to finish this.