Things have been pretty great lately, other than I havent been able to see claire for more than 10 minutes in like 928371093874 million years, and its really sad. But anywho, Kamal got her license along with a car, so freedom is uped quite a bit. In our Biology room at school we have a bunch of animals and bugs and such, so people have to take some things home over break, and quess what i took? The millipede!! its really really amazing, people are extremely terrified of it (michael carey...) but it is pretty much the coolest thing ever. We named it Max. Max the millipede. This is what they look like, in case your thinking of something far more freakier :
Lets see what else...well, im going to be starting to paint a mural for mrs. baldwin on monday, which is fine because jeff, claire, and kamal are all out of town. Have a grand Spring Break everyone!