
Aug 25, 2003 10:28

made me a spiffy new icon.

damn, did i just say spiffy?

oh well. it's cool nonetheless.

come on, show me one other guy here that can do that! lol.

there's me trying to kill tony in the background. jose looks scared.

me doin what i do best. teaching.

the bad thing is that i used to break those with my head. i stopped because i realized that i might slip and break my nose instead. lol.

me and some fans.

me and austin chillin' during the make a wish foundation thing (old school pic)

i should be working, but i'm not. i'm sitting here fiddling with different things. you know, i love those pens that light up when you write with them. they're cool.

if anybody ever wants to learn the martial arts, just call me. i'll be happy to teach. after all, it's what i do.
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