Mar 20, 2005 17:16
heyy everyone, i hope everyone's weekend has been good. mine was actually not bad at all. friday, i went to riverton and hung out with the B&B for a while. oh man, we are some totally not funny kids haha and last night, i went to the Tokyo Rose/Goodnight Or Sleep/The Progress show in franklinville with joe and a girl named caroline. it got boring at some parts, but other then that, it was awesome. TR and GOS were the best bands, just because they had the most energy. franklinville, i swear to god, is the biggest hick-town in jersey i've ever seen haha they even had a clock store that was named "clock store" haha and we saw sheep, which joe made clear by yelling "SHEEEEEEEP" haha it was a good night
this weekend was also a disapointment because i was unable to buy Jack Johnson tickets in time before the sold out ='( if anyone has an extra ticket they want to sell, please let me know...anyway, i have the NFG show in about 2 weeks. it should be amazing, just because its them and fuckin Reggie haha and i'm i can't wait to see LTJ and Allister, i haven't seen either of them since the summer, so hopefully they'll put on a good show. i also want to go to the Underoath show at the end of april, if anyone is interested in going, let me know.
i really want to do something to my hair. dye it, cut it, i dunno, just something. does anyone have any suggestions? please comment and let me know. later everyone...