so winter formal was aiight. the first 2 hours sucked ass bcuz the district "superintendent" and our prick principal where there which meant "if you guys freak dance we're going to stop playing hip hop and we'll kick you out" (they actually did kick some kids out for freak dancin..laaaaame!) and of course they stopped playin the good music for the 1st 2 hours and we were transported back into the 80s and all their horrible musis. bleck! but after the two shitheads left the DJ got permission from our vice principal to play regular music. the limo ride was awesome, 23 people in a huge ass stretch excursion was quite fun. we went to dinner at piacere's in woody hills, twas good. here are some pix from the night
( and yes, i'm aware i look asian in some of these pix, its how they did my damn makeup at the salon lol )
and then the night ended with keith gettin raped by ciella's dog chewy at 3:30am
Keith ::squats down on all fours on the ground with ass facing gay dog:: "take it chewy, take it! i'm allll here!" ::as dog tries to mount keith:: "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OHHHH MY GOOODDD get him offa me!" funny things happen past 3am cuz everythin just seems like a good idea or just really hilarious