The community died without me =[

Oct 19, 2006 10:59

Name: Carrie
Age: 16
Location: Watercolor, Florida
Grade/Year in School (include major if in college): hxc sophomore
Current job (if applicable): clothing slinger at gap but im putting in my two weeks today, and starting as a barista at starbucks

How did you hear of our community?: LJ interests I think
Why should we allow you into our community? uhh... you probably shouldn't

Please explain why the following people/things suck, and for God's sake, be creative.
Your best friend: Well, she is going out with the ugliest guy I've ever seen. I can't look at his face, it makes me gag, and she's actually very pretty. a lot of really hot guys think she is hot... she could just do so much better. but she doesnt think so because she thinks she's ugly. and fat. but she weighs 103 pounds... she talks about killing herself a lot...
Your worst enemy: have you seen her face? it looks like a pizza. haha i stole all her school shit from my 3rd period and before i had ever talked to her before (but hated her cause she was scammin' on my man) she knew it was me and went crying to our VP. she was scared to even talk to me about it. and she still is, cause our VP didn't care haha.
Your boss or teacher: my boss at gap is really bitchy and annoying and fat... and her T-zone is really oily.... and she bangs on her watch when im not at least 30 min early... and she also calls my mom every night before im supposed to go into work the next day because I don't show up so much hahaha i think i should get fired but they are in such dire need of employees.
Any celebrity: i hate all celebrities, or at least i don't care about them. and it is annoying when people talk about them a lot. since they don't actually know them.... and it is just pointless and hurts my ears.
Any organization(i.e. PETA, the NAACP, The Global Communist Party, etc...Really any collective holding a statement you can strongly contest is eligible for this question, even if they aren't especially well known): US social services. parents can be abusive, druggie, neglect their kids and other awful things and still get their kids back. they may have to do some classes or go to jail for a while but they usually end up with their kids after some court battles and shit and it's not fair. there has to by a better way than this fucked up system cause the parents just keep abusing their kids... social services sucks, those kids shouldn't have to live with their families at all.
Yourself: well, i applied to this community with like 800 different names like 2 years ago and now im doing it again so, i guess thats pretty lame of me.

Bands/singers: pink floyd, the white stripes, the beatles, dave matthews band, the red jump suit apparatus, red hot chili peppers, eric clapton, buckcherry, eagle-eye cherry, jimi hendrix, jack johnson, john mayer, sublime, bob marley, acdc
Books: a million little pieces
Movies: dazed and confused, requiem for a dream, the breakfast club
TV Shows: fuck tv. fuck advertisements.

Is there a band, movie, television show, or book you would strongly recommend? all the bands i listed are amazing. but pink floyd is probably the most amazing.
Is there a favorite of yours of which you're highly ashamed? If so, why? not really

More About You
What name do you wish you'd been born with instead of your own? my real name is charlotte. my middle name is carrie because well charlotte is for old people.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? antarctica... katia will probably say something like
I wish you'd go there too and freeze to death
except wittier. well maybe if this community weren't dead.
List your best personality traits: smart, funny, laid back, honest, caring
List your worst personality traits: mean, evil, bitchy
What's your biggest pet peeve? my ex boyfriend
What is your greatest fear and why? liars, because they lie.... and aren't keepin it real knoaimsayin?
What is something you're better at than anyone else you know? rolling joints
Do you read into dream symbolism? nope.
Have you been diagnosed with any psychological disorders? ADHD
Cite one life-changing event that has played a pivotal role in the person you are today: my life is really easy, im only 16, and no big dramatic event has taken place, yet
Use the TITLE of one: song, movie, tv show, OR book to describe yourself. Explain. "peace not greed" by kottonmouth kings. cause im all about the peace, mon.

World View
Do you have any sort of political affiliation? independent
What's one issue that means the most to you right now? SOCIAL SERVICES. and their sucki-ness.
What do you consider to be the single most important event in known history? Why? the discovery of fire... because it began civilization... and psch when i was born bia.
What big change in the world would you like to see happen before you die? id like the world to be more like john lennon described in in the song "imagine". sorry all you jesus freaks, god is a made up explanation of why we're here and only causes war.

Share a quote or picture (or both if you want) and explain why you chose it/them. It can be funny/serious/stupid/pointless/etc.
i chose this video about what we are in the universe and how meaningless our existance is.

Post 2-4 pictures of yourself. In addition, please include one 100x100 of yourself to be used for the userinfo in the event you're voted in. If you don't have a 100x100, please specify which photo you would like to be used and a mod will resize it for you.
^thats my myspace, i dont really see a point in posting pics for you sorry.
ooh also my livejournal is really karisaurusrex but it's banned haha

Promote us in two (2) places without violating the LJ TOS and show the links:
nah man im straight. ive promoted this community soo many times that i am excusing myself from it. thanks mayne.

Applicant Agreement
If you don't get accepted, you won't get all retarded and tell us about how much we suck and how you never wanted to be in the community anyway. You applied. You want to be in it. Yes or No: hmmmm i think ive already violated this. a lot of times =]
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