i'll trade liquor for love

Dec 10, 2005 00:40

tonight was fun. allison and i talked forever at the mall. it was nice. later was hectic though. it kinda really stressed me out. i dunno why. i guess it was just chaotic. not to mention all the driving and then not going where we were going originally and stuff. oh well. i'm not mad, i was just kind of annoyed. i'm better now though. so let's see if last year on live journal sucked as much as it did in my real
yeah. so i'm spending yet another friday night at home by myself. i hate it. but no one's home. or they're working. or they're already out and about. so i'm feeling sorry for myself. but you don't have to feel sorry for me. it's probably not worth it. yeeeah. anyway. i'm off to waste more time.

apparently i broke a girl's nose?

this bastard decided it would be fun to mark out my bumper sticker with a sharpie, so now you like can't even tell what it used to say. what the fuck is that about? i mean i know it could be offensive. it says, well said, "don't like abortion? then don't have one." but i mean it's not your property so don't mark it out. it's different if it's like a sticker on a stop sign or something. it's not your fucking property so don't fucking touch it dammit. that bumper sticker was awesome, and some fucker went and ruined it. i was so mad. i still am actually. i guess i'll have to get a new one to replace the crossed out one. oh well.


i finished atlas shrugged on wednesday. it really makes me feel like i've accomplished something in my life.

when i got out of the SAT i called my mom. she said that my mimi (her mom) had had a stroke. so basically, my family spent the whole day at the hospital, and told me to stay at home.

i can't believe he's gone. i just can't. i loved that cat so much. that completely ruined my day, week, month, whatever. it's like i can't have anything in my life stay decent. i was happy. and now this. there's too much death. way too much. especially lately.

i'm sick of death. it needs to stop. i went to my aunt lo's funeral this week. she really was a great person. i cried. but as the pastor said, hers was "a life well lived". but yeah... it's still sad b/c she was my mimi's best friend and all. she was like my mom's second mother, so my mom was really upset. i'm glad i went to the funeral though. it was a really good service.

the people serving the beer had shirts that said, "beer is proof that God wants us to be happy" -Benjamin Franklin. it made me laugh. and in case you didn't know, lutherans love their beer.

graduation is tonight. it's insane that anna's graduating. i remember when we were little kids. it seems like yesterday, but so long ago at the same time. i guess i never thought that any of us would actually graduate from high school. it's like one of those things you can't imagine as a little kid. and now all of a sudden she's graduating and i'm gonna be senior next year and it seems like it all flew by. it's insane. i used to think high school kids were so old. i don't feel nearly as old as i thought i would when i was that age.

i went to the orthodontist b/c i'm getting my crown tomorrow. :) i'm probably the only person ever who's been excited about getting a crown.

caroline+me+her roof=fun

law and order has been replaced with golf. how boring. tnt sucks. how can i live without my two afternoon episodes?! (it's really sad that i know the law and order schedule on tnt)

i just wanna say that when everyone told me he was a jerk, you were right. that's all i have to say about that. i hope you know what i'm talking about.


i went to ocean springs, mississippi this weekend. it was surreal and unbelievable. you see the devastation on tv, then you go there, and it still seems weird. it doesn't seem like it really happened. it's crazy. i wish i could help some more, but i did clean up a woman's yard today. i also helped these people find the pottery they lost from their shop. they had the coolest cat ever. his name was chance b/c someone tried to throw him away in a trash bag and they found him. he was so sweet. i love him.

david burch is amazing. he called me during ben folds and let me listen to it. that made my day yesterday. so sweet.

never cheat, and don't put up with someone who does. i hope he burns in hell for this one. and i'm happy to say that everyone was right. but i think everything with that asshole is over now. so now i can enjoy my life without him. muahaha.


if my cat were a person, she would be a senile, old hag

i quit basketball. it's pretty darn exciting. the funniest part is that it took less than 2 minutes to tell her and discuss it and that she didn't really seem to care.

i hate caroline badger.

this week has been about the most frustrating week that ever happened. i'll live through that too i guess. i need christmas break. i need to not have any exams. i need to be content with something

that took like an hour. sorry if i made you depressed. last school year basically killed me and showed me how much life really does suck sometimes. i think i need to go to bed now. peace and love.
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