TOPIC #445 - Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?
I like the animinalist and brutal nature of both vampires and werewolves. Both have their positive attributes. Superstrength. Enhanced senses. Point-y teeth. But I'd say the werewolves are more with the mindless agression. Not that some vampires are not also controlled by their lust for blood. However, vampires have the whole immortality thing going for them. Given centuries of time, even the most primative of creature, can gain some wisdom. One of my favorite vampires for example is Spike. Not only is he a hottie, which is important. But even more important, he was able to rise above his nature. Even without a soul, Spike did not let his demon control him. Special as Angel is, not even he can control his darker side without his cursed soul. But both overcame their inner demons to become more than just common creatures of the night. And that does intrigue me greatly.
So if I had to pick between a vamp or a wolf. I'd have to go with a vampire. They have more potential for growth. And even if a werewolf might be fun to be for one night of wild fun. As a vampire, barring a stake through the heart, decapitation, or a bad sunburn. A vampire could have an eternity to party all night. Plus vampires wear clothes. Clothes are of the good. So yeah, I think it's better to be a cool leather wearing bad-y, than being a wild dog running around a woods chasing it's own tail.
Word Count: 230
- TOPIC #441 - Do/Did you want to get married? I do not want to get married. I have never wanted to get married. Not that there is anyone I would even consider worthy to be my equal. I'm the freaking First Evil. There was none before me. And there has been no power after me that can measure up to my awesomeness.
I do have the memories of those that either wanted to marry or did marry. Let's just say I consider marriage to not be a good fit for most who do it. The young are especially bad at getting married to the worst possible person. The truth is that most people just aren't ment to be married. Either they marry the wrong person. Or they don't take their vows seriously, so fail to live up to their promises.
So I would never get married. I just don't believe in marriage. I don't believe in the love it proclaims. Because I would never swear to love and honor anyone. And I damn sure wouldn't be keeping anyone in sickness or bad times. I'm more into the hate and dishonor. And into being out for myself and nobody else.
Word Count: 198
- TOPIC #437 - Do you keep to a routine? Routine is for those afraid to take risks. It is for those who don't mind living a dull life. A life devoid of excitment or adventure. Those who are predictable. Those who like everything to be orderly and fear anything even remotely dangerous. They may live very long and peaceful lives. But if it doesn't have any excitement. Doesn't have any intrigue. Then it would not be much of a life.
In a nutshell. Doing the same thing over and over again is boring. Boring as watching a vampire sleep in a coffin for hundreds of years. Boring as watching golf. Boring as watching Angel brood for a hundred damn years. Boring as watching the average human live their normal lives.
So, no I do not keep to any particular routine. I prefer to be unpredictable. I prefer to have some fun.
Word Count: 150
- TOPIC #433 - How good is your memory?
I've been around since the dawn of time. An amount of time difficult for any human to wrap their limited lifespan mind around. Even with a great memory. Even with memories of countless life forms beyond measure. I gotta admit that it's impossible for me to remember everything I've experienced over billions and billions of years. Such vast periods of time just flow together. Millions of years of absolute... mind numbing... bordom.
But that doesn't really get to the heart of who I am. I have more than just one memory. I possess the memories of every mortal, angel, demon, or god that has ever died. And given that everyone eventually kicks the can. Let's just say I got allot of damn memories. Most of which are of no use to me. The memories of the ordinary are useless. I ignore the average joes. I ignore all the boring memories of billions and billions of sheep. But the memories of villians and heroes... the memories of the most interesting of characters. I do check them out... and I do remember all the best memories of the greatest men and women that ever lived. And unlike some who don't like their memories very much. I'm cool with all the memories I have. They help distract me from the bordom of eternity.
Word Count: 225
Theatrical_MuseMuse: The First
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer