A good day.
Seein' that I'm evil with a capital E. A good day to me, would be considered a bad day to hero types like Buffy and Angel cakes.
Despite allot of crap. I've had many good days. Many bloody good days. And it is those few and far between good days that keep me from goin' buggin' crazy . Or from bein' totally bored out of my mind. Like that old Chinese sayin'. May you live in interesting times. Ninety-nine percent of the time, those interestin' times are goin' to be bad days. Cause bad times makes for more interest. Makes for more excitement than happy days.
You know one of the things I hate most about blokes. People expects every day to be good. They think you can wave a magic wand and have a perfect world. They expect every problem to have a quick and easy solution. In a nutshell they have unrealistic expectations. So it is impossible for them to find anythin' but bad days most of the time. And so some gives up and lets outside forces destroy them. Only a few are able to rise above the adversity. Rise above all the obstacles in their way. Be they good or bad. They are called leaders. They are called rulers. They are called Kings... or Queens. They are called Presidents. The alpha male. The dominant personality. The cream of the crop. The cock of the walk.
Every day that a vampire slayer meets their end, is a good day to me. Their defeat tastes so sweet. It is so intoxicatin'. If every day could be full of fights... and drama... and danger. Those are the days that fuel my passions.
Uh, what was I talkin' about. Oh yeah a good day. Lets just say those with the power and will to do what they want. They grasp victory from the jaws of defeat. They make good days. While those who are weak and unwillin' to adjust to ever changin' times. Well they are destined to have allot more bad days than good ones. And that's about all I have to say on this bloody subject.
Theatrical_Muse: Topic #404
Muse: The First
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 365