Which cliché rings true to you?
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Now that's an oldie but a goodie. But since I'm lazy as all hell. And believe in puttin' stuff off until the last possible second. I certainly don't believe in that saying. So I won't be discussing that train of thought any further.
Another cliché says, it is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. Well that's a total load of bull crap. Only someone like my Blondie Bear, who is a real glutton for punishment would believe that garbage. So I don't believe in that cliché either.
Yet here is a cliché that I can sink my teeth into, so to speak. Misery loves company. It definitely rings true to me. Unhappy people like Angel and his friends do like to be around other depressing people. They even go lookin' for misery. Yeah, yeah they may call it helpin' the helpless. But everyone they are tryin' to help has sucky lives. Just havin' to be around such pathetic losers would make anyone miserable. Speakin' of someone that makes me feel miserable. Buffy and her loser friends like to make others feel just as bad as them. Of course I can't really blame them. If I had their crap lives, I'd be all depressed too. Thankful, I'm totally awesome. So I don't have to worry about such things.
I could go on and say more. But again I am lazy. And prefer to take the path of least resistance. So think I'll call it a night and just watch some entertaining tv show like the Jersey Shore.
Theatrical_Muse: Topic #371
Muse: The First
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 291