What phrase or saying do you find most irritating? There are several phrases and old sayings that I hate. But at the very top of my hate list, is the old saying "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." I've heard that quote millions of times. Said by millions of people. I really hate that damn saying.
And the primary reason I hate it is because it is total crap. Anyone with even an inch of common sense knows that bad stuff happening to them does not make them stronger. On the contrary, it actually makes them weaker. It totally screws them over. It ruins their life.
That saying, like most sayings is a stupid attempt to put a silver lining on something bad. A silver lining where there is none. Bad things happen to everyone. Nothing good comes from anything bad. Trust me, I'm an expert on the subject of badness.
So in closing. What doesn't kill you only makes you suffer longer. And on that depressing note, I bid you adieu one more time.
Theatrical_Muse: Topic #348
Muse: The First
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 187