What have you forgotten?
I've forgotten more than your ever know. Sorry, I always wanted to say that. Yet do guess its more true for me than it is for anyone else. Since I have the power to be any dead, undead, or formerly of the dead persuasion. One could assume that I'd forget whatever the person I'm pretending to be had forgotten. So if they forgot where they left their keys, I'd forget the same thing. But since they'd be dead. Don't think it matters much what they forgot. Cause the whole being dead thing would kinda put a damper on ever dealing with whatever they forgot anyway.
Far as taking on the personality or persona of someone who's passed on. If that someone was a nerd, would I forget how to be cool. The answer to that is no, for I am way too awesome to ever not be cool. Even when I try not to be cool, I'm still cool.
Since I'm so talkative, you could say I've forgotten how to keep my big mouth shut. I could easily keep going on and on about one stupid thing or another forever. And there really isn't a damn thing anyone can do about it. Cause I'm evil. And evil likes to be annoying.
Next on the forgotten list. Guess I've forgotten that just cause I don't have a corporeal body, doesn't mean I still can't have fun. I so need to hang out with my BFF's, go shopping, talk about cute boys, and go see the new Twlight: New Moon movie. Squee over the hottness of Jacob and Edward. Argue over which of the two hunky bad boys Bella should choose. I think they should all merge into a trinity of awesomeness. But I'm weird that way.
In closing, I've forgotten how sexy I look in pink. Pink is a good color for me. Matter of fact, when your as hot as me, any color is good. Except for orange. Orange so doesn't go with anything. I'm not too fetching in green either. I'm not Irish after all. Now that I think about it, I really don't look good in brown either. Think that's more the old Pilgrims color-scheme. There was much brown in the not so good old days. Speaking of the pilgrims. I've forgotten to wish everyone Happy Thanksgiving. Okay, so I didn't forget, cause I don't celebrate Turkey Day. And I don't wish anyone happy anything. But I do like Thanksgiving. Not for the giving of thanks, but for all the over-eating, and crap load of stressful anxiety the holiday causes. Despite having the best of intentions, like most things, humans forget the true meaning of the holiday. So instead of being grateful for what they have, they forget all the good stuff, and get stuck on all the stressful crap, which leads to obesity, heart disease, and death. And on that somber note, I bid you Adieu. That means goodbye in French.
Theatrical_Muse: Topic #309
Muse: The First
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 510