The End.
I really hate the end of most stories. The endings are usually so anti-climatic and underwhelming. No matter how big the danger appears. No matter how impossible the problem seems to be. In the end, as if by magic, some deus ex machina gets pulled out of the good guy's butt and used to save the day.
It totally sucks when a really awesome story gets ruined by some idiotic plot device that screws over the bad guys, and gives the heroes a far too easy and cheap happily ever after. It would be really surprising and unique if most stories didn't have cheesy good triumphing over evil endings. Cause in real life, good doesn't always win, and evil doesn't get taken down so easily. Good guys may win all the time in Fantasy and Sci-fi stories. Truth be told, real life falls a bit more into the Horror genre. Maybe not as dark as Friday The 13th, but closer to that reality than Happy Days.
So people can watch all the tv shows and movies they want. And love to watch all the happy endings. Such endings are nothing more than wishful thinking. And whether one is good or bad, reality has a less happy ending in store. Life has a more cold, and somber ending. Sadness, loneliness, and death awaits at the end.
Theatrical_Muse Topic # 268
Muse: The First
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 245