
Jun 15, 2005 19:07

all-access photoshoot.

I can see you.

I love the weird light in my room.

Yessssssss new bathing suit.

Trying hard not to look all evil n shit.

This one is my favorite for some reason...

Deer in headlights, please.

Aww, I'm almost as pretty as a Da Vinci painting.

Token "and then I saw the light" shot.

I'ma POUNCE on you.

Hey look. Orchids.

You can't tell, but I was twirling.

See? Told you so.

Alone and not lonely.

I like this one too.

What the lightbulb sees. Lotsa yellow.


What I'm saying: "Stellar!"

I'm a good Girl Scout because I keep handcuffs next to my bed at all times. Prepared.

Um, yeah.

Synchronized swimming.

Who the fuck is this?

Old Hollywood.

Tschyeah, right. And monkeys might fly outa my butt.

Rock 'n' roll.

And then I discovered how naked I can look.

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