So Long and Good Night by
imadra_blue [One-shot. Peter!fic. Angst/Horror. PG-13]
Summary: The needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few. Peter Pettigrew thinks in the simplest terms as Harry Potter lies on a dungeon floor, dying.
Warning: Character death. Violence
Quote: The sun was setting, its waning orange light shining through the bars of the window. Remus began to weep openly. The sound of his keening reminded Peter of his mother sobbing over his empty grave. He had been to his own funeral many years ago, in the form of a rat, and watched as she shook and tried to choke back her tears. It had been Remus, of all people, who had comforted her.
It'll leave you with a smothered heart.
A dull ache somewhere - I am Peter, I see Peter, I understand Peter. For the greater good indeed, extraordinarily unsettling and against all conventional interpretations. But it's bleak, and desperate and too cold for life though strategic enough for war and that's where it finds its validity. Oh. And the writing - it's almost as if the words themselves are... resigned.