Hermione/Ginny. PG-13. War!fic.

Mar 09, 2004 13:27

silence is the blood whose flesh is singing by pogrebin (completed one-shot, angst, PG-13, Herm/Gin)

I hesitate to classify this fic as angst. Because somehow that doesn't seem to do it justice. It's so much more. Terrifying and bleak and and capable of reaching in and tugging and breaking and twisting.

Summary: live or die (written for maeglinyedi's Worst Nightmare Challenge.

Quote: She imagines a skeleton on top of her, imagines the weight of her bones, whether they’d be whiter than her brother’s, smaller, rounder. She wonders exactly how Ginny will die and whether there will be enough of her left to make a report out of, to record, to mark off.
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