Brand new

Aug 04, 2004 17:19

`*..Name// Tanya
`*..Age// 15
`*..Location// Orange, California
`*..5 favorite bands// Enya (yes you read that right), AFI, Thrice, Metallica, Audioslave
`*..Favorite movie(s)// Labrynth, Dark Crystal, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Ferris Buller's Day Off, Pirates of the Carribean, Lotr, Harry Potter. (I could keep going but I shan't waste your time.To sum it up I am a big fantasy-movie lover)
`*..Do you drink// No
`*..Do you smoke/do drugs// Nope.
`*..Have you had sex// Yes. But intimacy when your in love isn't wrong.
`*..Whats your sexual prefrence// Men. (But I've been known to be attracted to a beautiful woman)
`*..Why do you think you are the sex// I believe I am the sex because I am pretty, I like pretty people. I think unintelligence is a turn-off, but I am open-minded enough to be polite to those I don't agree with. And to me that is the sex.  
`*..Short summary of what your like// Laid-back, but super spunky. Slightly insane most of my days, lover of a things sexy/pretty/hott/beautiful. I spend my free time doing new things that broaden who I am as a person. I am in love and that changes how I see the world, but not so much that I loose myself and become lost in it.

Here are the pics, I apologize for the bad pixelation, but my comp doesn't like me. (It even decided that it wouldn't let me send any of the body pics, they kept freezing up, my apologies but this is what I have.)

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