Despite my head pounding and my skin on my right arm starting to vanish to reveal the advanced circuitry beneath, I managed to get myself into something decent for tonight.
{Perhaps something green, Oracle...}I'm not sure what provoked me to listen to the voice, but I ended up in a green velvet dress. At least it... kind of blends with the "
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Oracle here. Go ahead.
"Dick-- oh-- hello." A smile was already growing on her face. "You ready for transport?"
With the same technology that the JLA was using, Dick's entire form materialized in a mass of silver swirls before her. This... was definitly intereting. Hims tanding int he clocktower. She silnetly wondered how he would act to the surroundings.
She waited a moment, before turning to him, fully. Her eye briskly traveled over him, her smile still on her face. "It's... definitly nice to see you."
"Nice to see you too"
The scent of the roses was strong, and warming. "Thank you." She motioned downward. "I.. better put this in water. Have a seat anywhere you can find room. This shouldn't take long."
She manuvered around and made her way to the kitchen, pulling out a vase. "You look stunned... You alright?"
"Stunned? Uh.. no, I'm fine. Why?"
She smirked and wheeled over to him. "Ready?"
He nods.
She smirked. "SO... is there any place special you were hoping to go? Italian food or... anything?
"I figured you know this place better than I do, thought I'd let you pick"
"Well... was there anyplace that you could remember that you... enjoyed? I'm sure the similarities between our worlds aren't that different. I bet at least one of your old favorite resturants is still hanging around today."
She placed her hand on the button and waited for the doors opened. As soon as they opened, she manuvered herself in. "And the nice thing is? It's just down the block. Do you mind walking?"
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