jewbag lemonadestandsdisstemperbeautysfleetingzebrasnamerica__shshshakedownhide_the_crayonheisaspy Rejects
inthemannerapoisonedwelljevoisdemalpippy818luridmist vote on:
obsceneguesturehollywood_scenestefstefhoochiemama__ super fucking sorry that this took so long. but i've been busy with a lot of shit. i'm back home now and i've been working more hours than i would like. and those fuckers still try to send me hom early sometimes and or make me work later. shit.
billy needs to redo the members page so we can get a new king and queen. although the ones we have is lovely, we need to have more. haha. PLEASE STAY ACTIVE! this community is really taking off and i want to keep it that way. and do the thing we can't mention for fear of the lj police taking us over.