heyy ya'll!

Aug 15, 2004 01:24

OMG today was awesome!.. well not untill work started.. first i had punch with my mom then we got into a fight -- liek usuall -- then i had dinner at my grandmas with my aunt and uncle and cousin.. nothign too specail.. then came work! best night ever!! workin with kelly!1 we have soo mcuh fun together especially knowing the fact that deb and mark didn't come in so we had to close up shop.. can you believe they went to the maroon 5 concert?.. i can but i cant see them dancing at a concert or anything!so to us its pretty funny thinging about it!.. but anyways the nigth went on and we had fun kidding around but then my and kelly got into a little fighting match -- just kidding around tho -- but you knwo i ALWYAS win! haha so she got mad at mean.. then i wrote her a note and left it at her window saying i was sorry i love her but she didnt' care then i was like fine then slut and she yelled shut up hooker and it just back and forth and come how it got better.. but then we were turing off the lights and kelly couldn't find the the lock to lock the damn door. which i bet you wouldn't be able too since it was in the dark but shes stupid anyways.. just kidding love ya!
then i was talkign to adrian for awhile. hes a cool kid!.. he better come up tomrrow so we can hang out cause i found a lot of people to hang out with tomorrow night.. he likes to be around peopel because he has to be the center of attention because he thinks he is the hottest thing alive.. but he isn't.. ahah just kidding adge!.. your the best!..
Then out of no where my ex boyfriend (chris) Im's me and we started talkign again.. i haven't seen him since forever!!. i miss him.. hes soo nice.. we might hang out sooon.. I HOPE!! .. thats wuold be great!. but who knows!
well im pretty tired so im gonna go.. ttyl PEACE!
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