Aug 14, 2009 04:54
In an unfortunate event, I have poison ivy. I want nothing more than to dig my fingernails into my skin and tear and claw my skin completely off. Then burn it and smoke the ashes with some crack. That would feel good. I have a band-aid, a huge one, around my middle finger and one on my wrist where it rests on the edge of my notebook. My right hand is swollen a little. It is really irritating.
Other news be such as this: and evabody say, hump wit it. Honestly, that shit back there, came straight out of my head. It means nothing.
Lately Mom and I have been kicking some asses. Big Guy is doing great. He's got a girlfriend. Noelle brought her dog Nellie here and you just couldn't pull them two apart. They were kissing like crazy. Nellie was like, "show me what you're working with, big guy." Then all the sudden you hear a thud. Nuff said with all that, it was nuts though.
I miss all of my friends. Last weekend was tough not being there for all the festivities to do with Lesley's birthday. It's nice to know that I was missed. I'm sure a lot of it was hard to do without me. Like really hard. I just ended up buying jumbo bags of Peanut M&Ms and counting them to see how close they were in number per bag.
I like talking on here and being able to say shit like fuck and bitch ass shit with fucking shit like no problem. Mostly because I have to be so fucking cautious on facebook because a lot of people that are now "friends" of mine that are older and related to me might think something weird if they hear me talking about how some tits can masturbate some guys eyes and shit. FUCK! Being cautious on facebook.
I'm going to take it over. I'm going to wrap it up in some of that plastic wrap that sticks to itself to make its own little bag. Then I'm going to chunk it to the river.
I've learned something that will help all of us if we ever come across a snake. Mom told me tonight that Dad used to say this:
Black on Yellow-Kill a Fellow, Red on Black-Friend of Jack. Look at a picture of a coral snake and you will see what he's talking about.
That's all I guess. I slept until 10pm earlier somehow and I'm unsure about going to sleep right now.