*fails badly at updating*

May 15, 2007 14:05

'K, so I've always failed at updating teh actual LJ, but do normally make random drive-by comments on a semi-regular basis so you know that I'm still alive. However, as some of you know, I got promoted and am living in a (dodgy) hotel whilst I sort out a new flat. (As the scumbag ex-tenants of the flat I was supposed to be renting have this far refused to move out. To be fair, they might not actually be scumbags, as the flat was pretty clean and well kept when I went to view - all I really have to go on is their heinously refusing to move out, after we started all the damn paperwork and after I'd put a deposit down. Pillocks.)

T'anyways, the disappearance is due to the (always eccentric) wireless card on my geriatric laptop expiring. No wireless = no internets. Makes me very sad, not to mention irritable, if I had time.

It ought to be relatively easily repairable, but see above where I said geriatric laptop?
I think it'd be simpler to just wait till I can buy a new one. Or have a flat & phone line to move my desktop into.

T'anyways, I have a day off (and I left my work phone at work... go me!) to read the skip 50 million things I've missed and try to catch up a bit, so what've I missed that's important to you? No postcard stylee answers please. *misses you all*

In other news, the bits of my new job that are my job = going really well.
But my new boss? Having a midlife crisis I think. SO NOT THE TIME DAMMNIT! *takes deep breath*
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