Nov 03, 2005 15:47
Right, so I just got back from watching Saw II. And I have to say I was less disappointing in this moving then I was in all the others. Except, of course, that it wasn't a horror movie. I didn't feel horror in the slightest. I did, however, feel revoluion. And much of it. And here's why...
#1: When a person, oh heck, ME, wakes up in a strange place and suddenly I have mono-vision, my first reaction would be to feel my face. Not go for the mirror. And I would take a look at my surroundings first. Like, for example, the knife to cut the cord that pulled the timed death mask. Slice that and he wouldn't have to worry about that.
#2: For a guy that was unconscious (the bad guy says asleep, but, really, how many sleeping people do you know that would sleep through eye "surgery"?), he sits pretty still. Especially on such a small stool.
#3: It was all done for revenge; big-ass set up in order to get to the cop and make the cop suffer a little before making him the next "test subject". That's a LOOONG way to go, especially when they are so EPT at kidnapping. Hell, they did it how many times?
#4: Where the heck did they get the files to know who to kidnap?
#5: Did they kidnap everybody on the same day or did they have to kidnap some people and leave them knocked out? My point being: that's a lot of cash to burn on drugs, specific drugs, that a drug user and a cancer victim (the bad guys) have to spend and, let's face it, they're all ready bleeding money.
#6: Especially when you consider they're living in a steel factory. An abandoned factory. An abandoned factory with running power. Cough -- yeah right. Well, at least know we know why New York keeps having brown outs, they keep giving power to buildings that don't need it. And, let's suppose, they were able to fiddle with the power box to get power running again -- that would make the power company come back. And, like the mob, if a power company employee goes missing, the power company sends more and then they send police. Or they send police when they notice that the power had been restored.
#7: Police procejures: Remember those? When the guy in the lead gets his kneecaps shattered and his buddies get bar-bee-qued, you don't all rush deeper. You call in the bomb squad to disarm the place. At this point, nobody knows the boy is "missing" and has been missing for at least 24 hours. After the argument with the father we're unclear as to if the boy was returned to mother earily like they fought about. If that's the case, where the heck is mommy? She didn't notice her son missing?
#8: Cops had been in the hideout for over an hour. And nobody noticed that the bad guy happened to be staying on an freight elevator? Or for that matter, when you use the elevator, how do all those electronics (and plumping) continue functioning?
I was going to complain about how the wheelchair bound bad guy managed to get his medicine, but it became clear that he got it from his "help". Where they got the equipment and drugs is another question completely. But I'm sure there's a logical explination.
#9: Apparently the 2nd house had either 1) a powerful transmitter to transmit the VCR recordings back (and we're fortunate that the VCR didn't skip or there was tracking problems) or 2) That was one long coaxial cable. At the length that the techie cop's computer showed us, and I'm no electrcian, you'd need to boost the signal or something.
#9a: Another house that has power. Saw II is what happens when rich guys go mad, I suppose.
#10: Speaking of the bad guy -- he recanted what must have been a total fabrication. After driving his car "off a cliff", he got up, removed a piece of metal that went through him, covered the hole with both hands on his stomach and treked back to civilization. Whereas must people would have bleed to death. A long time ago. He's real lucky -- for a guy with cancer.
#11: Cutting the back of your neck to get your number to the safe? Stupid idea -- you can't see where the number is. I think it would have been halarious if he'd missed and had to keep cutting, oh, or better yet, cut the number in some way as to make it ambuigus. Funny, keep slicing bozo.
#12: Victim #1 -- man, that's bad luck. Pretty F'ing stupid too. We all ready know one of the girls looked through that hole as they showed that on the screen. If there was something there, don't you think she would have seen it?
#13: Bad girl -- She "wakes up" (with the bandages on her wrists still, one can only assume how she managed to get out of suicide watch) and after a little fumbling finds the first clue. Wow, pretty lucky. And she's been through it all before. Hmm, I didn't believe it when I heard it and I'm glad I didn't.
#14: I didn't see the first movie, but when the note said don't, I was thinking ... yeah, maybe I shouldn't. I would have been one of the other people that wasn't near the door. Not all that insane. Or overly stupid (some of you call it brave).
#15: There was a window in the room with them. They showed it often. With the knife (or the spiked bat) I would have chiseled away at the "plaster board and wood" walls until I could have made a hole. Outside the box thinking here, people. C'mon.
#16: I'm surprised the clues weren't actually IN the back of their minds like the clue said. Just a little cranial surgery and brain tattooing. Shouldn't be anything.
#16a: And speaking of tattooing, they all had tattoos on the back of their heads. Tattoos sting, for awhile after you get them. Days, I've been told. So why wasn't anyone curious?
#17: The needles. They might have been filled with Mountain Dew, but nobody took one. Even after the syringe bath, and she took out a fill needle, nobody took it. Why?
#18: When the door is trapped, I would look at each and every device throughly. The furnace could have been defeated by either 1) Having someone hold onto the guys legs to pull him out. They would have been blocking the door so it couldn't have shut (and, for some reason, melted closed. Musta been made from wax). Or, 2) smash out the window or the panelling and take the needles that way. Notice the guy only saw the faucet to turn the flames off after it was to late, rather then, oh, when he was inside at anytime. And he apparently would rather burn to death (or mostly to death) then use his coat as a shield for his hand and turn the facuet. My only explination is that he was either scared of fire or the poison was affecting his judgement.
#19: We did a poor searching of the burnt boys body. No needles there.
#20: Front door had bars. But we didn't check to see how far the bars went (but I bet, if we had, they would have gone around the whole of the building). He could smash the doors up with two or so swings (Drug Pusher Smash!) but he couldn't try the walls?
#21: Razor box. There was a wooden chair in the background. Smash it, use the thin cross-legs as support to keep the razors away from the hands.
-OR- use the club, smash the glass (but I'm just going to assume it was smash proof. Either way, we don't see her again. Can we assume she pulls her hands free and bleeds everywhere?
#22: Dirty needle bath. I have to say, good choice on who to throw in there. That's a little pre-revenge right there. Unfortunately, when they were throwing the bed, covering the whole, they failed to notice what I did. Antoher one of those letters the bad guy/girl were leaving everywhere was on the back of the bed and I saw it get flung. Or maybe it was just the one they found. Either way, small error there.
That's a LOT of needles.
#23: Funniest part of the movie? The (token black) guy and the drug pusher were fighting (for lack of anything better to do, I suppose), drug pusher punches bacl guy that throws him off balance. In turn, he stumbles and hits his head on the safe. I laughed out loud and bugged some people.
#24: Where in gods name did the bad guy get this virus? Since 9/11 you can't catch a cold without the FBI knowing about it. Nevermind getting the antidote for it.
#25: Have knife, will force open doors.
#26: And speaking of forcing open the doors. Why didn't they check why they couldn't open the door to the needle bath room? A couple of swings with the club (yes, that's my answer for everything) and the door would have fell down. The pin wouldn't have been removed (nobody tried to put it back) and they would have had some time to find the key. Like, un, putting someone down there with shoes, and using more shoes to move the needles around. Wouldn't have found it in time anyways, but still.
#27: All those vault doors in there. Who the hell installed them?
I'm sure there was more that annoyed me but I think I'll stop there. As I said, best of the worst "horror" films I've seen yet.