Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: ummmm. ?
I don't feel guilty about anything I eat. Unless vegetables, because that's probably just me giving in to peer pressure. Or parent pressure.
Literary: Everworld One of those book series you know probably isn't very good but for some reason you're just hooked and intrigued and want to know what happens and stay up late reading them all. Except I don't have them all. And none of you have heard of it anyways so it doesn't matter. Besides, better than Aria's "Thw Woad to Wuin"Audiovisual: iTunes visualizer yes, I am guilty of getting enjoyment from staring at a screen of changing color for extended periods of time.
Musical: Toybox, Deerhoof They're funny. And fun? I don't know, maybe Christina Aguilluera would have been a better choice. She does have a good voice though.
Celebrity: again with the ? I actually can't think of any. Sorry. I am sinless.
Now I tag:-
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llamacracy to complete this same Quiz, Its
HERE. Edit: Audiovisual: Winx.