BobbleProphet: whats up silly lady my belly is grumblecakein
I love him<3
I got this out of Colleens OLDOLD livejournal.
• × •I N F O R M A T I O N • × •
Name: Molly Roche
Single or taken: Taken
Sex: female
Birthday: May3, 1988
Sign: Taurus
Siblings: Just Alex
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Depends what I'm wearing, but Green/brown/blue
Height: 5'1
• × • R E L A T I O N S H I P S • × •
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: Straight
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yep
How many exes do you have?: Two
What is your longest relationship?: 1 year and 7 months
What was your shortest relationship?: 3 months
• × • S P E C I F I C S • × •
Do you do drugs?: Nope
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Herbal Essences
What are you most scared of?: SPIDERS
What are you listening to right now: This Song Brought to You By a Falling Bomb - Thursday
Who is the last person that called you?: Andrew
Where do you want to get married?: Beach<3
How many buddies are online right now?: 13
• × • F A V O R I T E S • × •
Colors: Green I think
Foods: I like macaroni and cheese
Girls names: I've always liked the name Brittany
Subjects in school: Science, duh. and Art of course
Animals: Like every animal. I love animals!
• × • H A V E | Y O U | E V E R • × •
Given anyone a bath?: Um no
Bungee jumped?: Not yet
Made yourself throw up?: Yeah, gross
Skinny dipped?: Some day lol
Ever been in love?: Yep<3
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Haha probably, not recently though
Pictured your crush naked?: ;)
Cried when someone died?: Of course
Lied: Yes
Fallen for your best friend?: Yeah
Done something you regret?: Yes
• × • C U R R E N T • × •
Clothes: my favorite jeans and brown long sleeve flannel-ish shirt
Music: Panic! lol it just came on but I dont really feel like listening to this *changes* I dont feel like Nightmare of You either *changes again* My Sleep Pattern Changed - The Early November, I guess I'll keep this on.
Annoyance: Roommate calling her friend "babe" every two seconds and my foot is falling asleep.
Smell: Soysauce from my susi earlier
Desktop picture: The picture of like everyone on the last day of summer at the Carousel.
DVD in player: Nothing but it would be Big Fish if my roommate didn't break the stupid remote and therefore making it impossible to change the imput of the tv GRRRRRR
• × • L A S T | P E R S O N • × •
You touched: Andrew
Hugged: Andrew
You IMed: Colleen
You yelled at: Probably Andrew, I think it was joking yelling though
You kissed: Aaaaandrew
• × • A R E | Y O U • × •
Understanding: Yeah
Open-minded: Very
Arrogant: I don't think so
Insecure: Only about something
Random: Sometimes
Hungry: Just ate.
Smart: I'm in college arn't I?
Moody: Sometimes
Hard working: I try to be
Organized: Yep
Healthy: I'm vegetarian!
Shy: Yeah and thats why I have zero friends here.
Difficult: At times
Bored easily: Kinda
Angry: No
Sad: Sometimes..
Happy: Yeah
Hyper: Not anymore
Trusting: Maybe too trusting
• × • R A N D O M • × •
In the morning I: have to set 5 alarms just to wake up.
All you need is: your best friend<3
I dream about: things that I never remember in the morning
Sexual preference: Guysss
What do you notice first in the sex you're into: Hair usually
• × • W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R • × •
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi I think
Flowers or candy: Both.. together :)
Tall or short: Taller than me lol
• × • W H O • × •
Makes you laugh The most: Andrew and Colleen
Makes you smile: Andrew
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: Colleen makes me poop.
• × • D O | Y O U | E V E R • × •
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: Uh no
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Sometimes, like during my period :(
Wish you were younger: Sometimes, so I dont have to worry about adult stuff.
Cry because someone said something to you?: Yeah, if it's mean.
• × • N U M B E R • × •
Of times I have had my heart broken: None
Of hearts I have broken: I dont think any...
Of girls I've kissed: Probably a couple ;)
Of CD's I own: A few, I have a bunch of songs on my iPod though
Of scars on my body: Uh I dont know. A TON because of my eczema.
Of things that I regret: I dunno I dont really keep count
Stolen from Slim's MySpace bulletin
female survey
1. What color is your bra?
> Blue, white and green design with blue lacey
2. Do you ever lie about your age?
> No, I don't have any reason to.
3. Do you prefer "sensitive boys" or "tough guys"?
> I like sensitive boys.
4. Do you prefer blond or dark haired guys?
> Dark haired
5. Are you currently single?
> Nope.
6. How many things in your past do you regret?
> A few things, not a lot though
8. Do you have a best friend?
> Yes.
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
> Marine biologist working at an aquarium.
10. Have you ever kissed two people in one night?
> Uhhh no
11. Where do you shop to buy most of your clothes?
> Filenes. FUCK YOU MACYS YOU RUINED MY LIFEEE.... just kidding I'm not really that dramatic, but still, Fuck you Macys
12. Who was the last person you hugged?
> Andrew
13. Have you ever had your heart broken?
> No.
14. Have you ever thought about dieing?
> Yeah, sure. Who hasn't? Besides Andrew of course.
15. Have you ever wanted someone but you knew you couldn't have them?
> Yeah.
17. If you could change anything about your past, what would you change?
> Ummm, I think I would do better in high school.
18. Do you like your life?
> Yeah, I'm very lucky to be where I am.
19. Do you shop at Hollister?
> I've never been
20. Has one of your friends ever stolen a boyfriend from you?
> Never.
21. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back?
> No.
22. Did you forgive them?
> N/A
23. Who is your first best friend?
> Colleen Meade was my first best friend<3
24. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?
> I have more girl friends.
25. How long have you had myspace?
> I think I caved in when I was 17. I still hate it lol.
26. Have you ever skipped school?
> Not the whole day I think
27. Has anyone ever cheated on you?
> I dont think so.
28. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?
> A few times
30. What is one of your biggest fears?
> I'm terrified of spiders!
31. Have you ever skipped class?
> Haha yeah.
32. Has anyone close to you ever passed away?
> My grandfather.
33. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
> Yes.
34. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?
> Hahah yeahhh
35. Do you believe in the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater"?
> I think people are allowed to make mistakes and should be forgiven. But if the person has cheated a lot then, yeah, I agree with that.
36. Are you a player?
> Nope
37. What kind of cell phone do you have?
> LG 5200, like everyone has my phone
38. What is your screen name?
> factn0tfiction
39. So far, do you like this survey?
> Whatever.
40. Have you ever had a good feeling about something and it turned out you were right?
> Sure
41. Do you ever wish you were famous?
> No
42. Do you ever wish you were a man?
> See above survey.
I haven't been on Quizilla in ages.
What colour is your soul? - anime pics (now w\ new result)
Your soul is Blue! You are very calm and like to think things out rather than argue. You have a great sense of inner peace. People often come to you for adivce. You are the one who never looses their cool. Good for you!People are drawn to: your natural self-composure.People are pushed away by: your eerie always-calm auraQuote: "When you step to the edge of all the light you have left and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you might believe one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for you to step upon, or you will learn how to fly."
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Grab Code What angel are you? (with anime pics and japanese names)
name: mitsukai kanseimeans: tranquil angelyou are an angel of peace. you can't abide fighting and you enjoy the arts, like music, drawing, writing, and things like that. you are innocent, and enjoy your friends and family to no extent. i wish i was more like you.
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Grab Code What is your Element! (For Every One!)
You are Earth! personality: You stand up and fight (only if needed) for what you believe in. You also think that without earth, all of the other elements would be. You aer very gentle and sentimentle. You care for others. You can be shy at times but you always fight for your friends when use plants to help you defend for self and maybe kill.your element is earth becuz you are calm and talk a bit and is somtimes shy and takes quiet a bit to make you probably like to help every now and then but your probably a lil lazy but thats a good thing but on the bad persepection(sp?) you might act and talk a lil slow(not mentally but in speed wise) since you probably day dream too much people probably think your not listening.Moto: Let's explore the forestQoute: Pay attention to life and you will find its meaning.Color: Green. Weakness: Has a very breakable heart that can be broken easily.
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Grab Code OMG the kid that made that quiz is so stupid. Take the quiz and find out for yourself.
Wow, I really hate how Quizilla results look now. Oh well.
I think I might be done for the night.