(no subject)

Aug 03, 2005 21:33

Yo....well I just got back to dance...it was really fun to night....it like helped me realize some stuff like what matters and what doesn't so that was fun.Band camp was pretty oka today it was hot as all hell but yea I'm use to it now I guess.Me and Kam went and got Arbys on the break and brought it back to the school and that was fun. I've just learned that I'm not gonna try anymore and just have fun and be nice to everyone now like I tried to give everyone a complement today but some girls must of had a problem with it so they all spit their waters out on me?But yea its oka it was hot and felt nice!I had fun anyways me and Kam made some good complemeants! I felt nice!Do you wanna hear some?Oka good!I told Shae she looked ravising in her red shorts and that Erica was a rock star and the Katie was a tall drink of water and Abby was flilled with pimp juice and Sarah was ghetto fabulas!Oh and someones smile brings me to my knees but I didn't get to say that one.Oh and I wanted to go up to a Tuba and tell him that I want to make sweet love to his music but I didn't get the chance to.Oh and then I went to Del Toro today and I thought of a good one while I was just sitting there and I just started laughing while my mom and sister were talking and they just stared at me....but gah I don't remember about it now....dang it I should have written it down....but yea I have been kinda upset lately yea family problems but thats kinda gay to talk about family stuff on lj so yea but things just aren't going good with the family and I don't like it. But yea no more crying. I cry to much about anything so yea....Yesterday Courtney came and ate lunch with us and that was uberfun and then she picked me up after practice and went swimming 4 a few hours then we left cause I thought I was gonna do something with Lauren or that she was coming over but that didn't work out but I'm cool with it.Today I started watching Garden State because I've heard the soundtrack before and it has a lotta The Shins songs on it and yea and thats the next best band to Weezer...I love the shins....so yea its good but I didn't finsish it so I guess I'll go do that right about now

Yea most of my entries lately have been pretty boring and pointless but thats oka you still read it
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