neil and i are going to be the proud owners of Unit 6 at
Block 42. (yeah, okay, so the website is a bit yuppie-ish. we met with the developer again today and put down our earnest fee. our condo unit will be 971 sq. ft. the best part? a private balcony and two 8 x 9 windows facing north and south. the project is one of those new "green" ones that are supposed to be more energy-efficient, so our utility costs should be lower than average. they're touting a clean and minimalist approach to the project's design, which we love. the complex is in the middle of a new urban restoration area of downtown OKC, and there are about 3 or 4 other condominium projects being built at the same time in that area, literally right across the street from Block 42. given some time, we fully expect that area to be a major hub. anticipated move-in date is september 2007--right when our current lease is up. it's very exciting.
we're supposed to be meeting with an interior designer within the next two weeks to select our color choices and hardware finishes. (i hear he's a dude; this should be interesting.)
guilty pleasures of late:
Seabound's new album on iTunes and showing up to important meetings at work with purple hair. ah, the joys of working for a public university...