Jun 12, 2005 19:49
What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.
Well as it seems i havent updated for quite a while, infct so long so that i am not sure what i last said when i did update, so i guess i will just ssay anything that pops into my head and hope that it has so relevence.
So we have reached the end of a periless three weeks, what i shall now dub --the weeks of everlasting pain -- or for thoes who diddnt guess, exam block, i am my usualy optimistic self and feel that i failed all of my exams, although i did find qcs rather easy for what it was worth. I mean, am i the only one who feels thatr the secons you say 'in your opinion what would be the ... ' and then give you choices there is no way that they can mark you incorectly, not to mention the peopl who set the test are the most cryptic people alive, they seem to not what to test the reasoning skills of a student cohort as much as fine the worlds finest code breaker. To me, when questions are so completly irellevent to anything, i mean yes, they will test you, but please, i person who draws a pretty piture or plays connect the dots has the same chane on this as a genius, so yes, to conclude, people today who set test want to test a persons ability to reason, to make conclusions with given data and come to a conclusion, althouth to mean, and this may just be me, you need to have done a lot of drungs prior to the exam for that to become apparent.
so where was i, thats right been slightly cynical about the world...
exams are exams so no real point to talk about them, we all do them, we all knwo what theya re like, to vent and complain seems meaningless...
although i do have to make one statement, which, funnily enough no one here will undersrtand the true extent of -- what the was with the chem exam, we haddent covered half of it, and the half that realated in an obscurse way to the course was made so crypic and difficult that not even the dux of chem found it reasonable, he said he though he failed...FAILED.., which does not bode well for us of less ability... very cocureanted...
ok i am sorry about this to...
i do 6 subjects right..
over the exam period i had 16 exams, if anyone out there can explain that to me, please do as i am unsure what i did -- my theoary is in a past life i must of been like i dont know some very veyr very very very evil something and am now been percuruted through the device of school, the only thing that makes me realise that, that cant be are some rather special people *hugs*
My birthday was a week or two or three or something ago...i think it was liek two, and i would liek to state just how old i feel, as megan pointed out i think my age is catching up to my apperence, i only have another 60 years to go until i am as old as i look...and even then that may be pushing it...
Today was spent meeting up with ellen and trying (in vain) to find a tie, hehe, it was a most fun day, and basically half way through she said something and i laughedd so she stoped talking to me for a while, but then talked to me again, i realised i am more feminie than i though when shopping, hard to belive i know, but i got distracted by everything clothing store along the way, usually i can avoid one or two, but no, every shoe store and clothing store had me...we had lucnh and then miss ellen had to depart to have her facial, so i was left all alone..
But well i guess that is a slight lie, as after wards i went to a friends b'day party which was in the park infron of indro, played for a few hours, so yes, all in all, twas an alright day..
Resently i have also been listening to alot of Russian music, i must say i love there basses, i mean, i wish i could get that deep, not to mention, that they have the richest tone out of nearly all singers -- one of the reasons i can think to be russian, although i seem to think of more why i dont want to be russian, so yes one of thoes grass is grenner issues...
Now, with no reason at all, i have decided to talk about Megan...
i have concluded that she has to be one of the most wonderfully awesome people that has ever existed, and just that she means alot to me.
so yes, i have also realised that i need to see her more often, once every two ish months i no way near enough --
speaking of megan, it reminds me to pay mention to lara, who i belive holds the title of very evil -- very pretty, primairly due to the fact that she has killed many a peaice og clothing ..
so whilst on this topic i need to say, megan you are a brillent actor and need to stress less, you are, will be wonderful -- so dont worry
love you lots
hmm, i have alos decided that i am opening a theater company, so yes, if ou want to be in on the inner loop, by which i mean, get told stuff by me about it, then just ask, and if you have any acting/musical/freinds who you think would be interestedm let me know so that i can work out when we do auditions and all that, our prodiction will be *Jesus Christ Super Star*
so yes, i alrady have ideas bases on previous engagments for Jesus, Mary, and we still need a good baritone for Judus - just so you know, jesus is going to be black and judus white just to even things out..
so what else has been happing, you would think, with like three months since my last post you would think i would have more to say, and i guess, i could if there was anything to say, but i find it more interesitng to remeber and all..
latly my head has been swiming with so so so, ect ect, thoughts, about everthing, primairly as a tool to procastinate study.
So, at some point along the way i was thikning that people are rather annoying, and i dont mean any of you, at this point this is directed at corperate people, i think that people i know are wonderful and wouldnt be anywhere withotu them..
But i have just got really cynical about humans, and humans in coperate bussinesnessed <<- that was horrilbe <-- that was much better...
but, i mean, why cant we get over the world of greed and self inflation and for once to to do something that could be good for the plant, or someone else...
last time i checked things would be so much better if we you know stoped using fossile fules, please dont comment and talk about the chnager cost blah blah...as i have done the research and this and that, and trust me, we would be better of, and just so you know, you would basicall get free power, which would mean lowered this and that, so things would be better, we takes me to my next topic... people dont seem to get relative, much like i dont get common sense and spelling..
first off i will admit that i thnk it is ludicrous that i am paying like $1.50 for a can of pepsi when i have to, but then, people are also complaing about fuel prices, well it is like $1 for a liter of fuel and 1.50 for 375 ml of suger water, i want to know where the logic is in that, which, and this willprove to all of you just how odd i am, well weird, milking cows, now how did our predecesors come up with that, i know that we are mamals and secrete milk to feed our young, but like...thats rather odd, or i am just over thinking things...
but i mean, this opens so many things, like, tea, and tobacco and everything liek that, when did we come up with thoes ideas, personally i think it is rather cool, but yeha, i still like dreamsing and all, so often get lost in them..
yes, i am not sure where any of that came form, adni am sorry to all thoes who read up to this point
i wthink i will update more often so that there can be som coherence in what i say and write and all that
so night to all
take care
and meg, i love you hey
tenchi all
love to everyone...