Feb 22, 2005 16:23
florida was the most awesomest ever!!!
oh man!! heres the 4876238746238746 word description;
t u e s d a y; went to ron jons which was AWESOME!! (i bought a white skirt and some bumper stickers) and then we headed off to the beach for a BBQ! holly hotcakes batman that was awesome. me dan n nick went for a little storll where we collected awesome seashells.. :] i like sea shells. i went swimming for a while.. it was cold. the salt water made my hair all curly n such.. then we checked into the hotel >>then we went to MEDIVAL TIMES!!! that was awesome.. GO BLUE KNIGHT!! :]
w e n d s d a y; epcot day.. not alot happend i went on space mountain and some japanese lady made me a candy flamingo sucker.. it was scrumptious. i walked around the world with nick, haha.. when we went back to the hotel me n nick discoverd a jungle gym and hung out there for a while.
t h u r s d a y; magic kingdom day!! not that intresting. it was also the day of the parade which was really hot. i thought i was gonna pass out. yiep! oh and NOTE TO SELF; never shave & lotion legs on the same day of a band function which requires winter uniform to be worn. that was the GROSSEST feeloing i have ever felt. ahh i hope i never go through that again. and and this was also the day that we sufferd lock down.. no pool, no ice cream, only a comfy hotel box.
f r i d a y; mickey came to breakfast. haha i have failed to mention our breakfast which consisted of: french toast sticks, an eggy substance, biscuits yumm, gravy yumm, questionable sausage, and on sunday we even got bacon :o yumm.. excetpt we had it EVERYDAY!! ahhhh! oh well... anywhoo we headed to MGM studios, that is the best park in the world. i went on the tower of terror, the rock'n roller coaster, i saw little mermaid live, and i ate a frozen banana.. :] yummmy yum yum yummmmz. hmm then we ventured off to a rooftop to eat dinner and watch fantasmic.. i kinda stole all the little chocolate thngs off the top of the chese cake.. yummmy :]
s a t u r d a y; islands of adventure day! i went on hulk,spiderman, jurassic park, uh.. idk a couple more. i had a grand time. i went to decades to eat and i spilt my drink on my crotch again.. oho yeah and we ate our 'special breakfast' and hard rock cafe.. i bought a shirt with matching undies :] i like undies. I VISITED SUESSS LANDING.. its the happiest place in the world. i wish i could live there. we went on the cat in the hat ride and i got pictures with thing 1 & thing 2.. :] yay!!! oh and i ate at the green eggs and ham cafe' hehehe.. oh the joy!
s u n d a y; departure day :[ all we really did was go shopping at downtown disney. virgin megastore is amazing!!! goodness it was an orgasm to the eyes! i walk in to CDs galore and the second level is books.. i bought the ataris first CD.. not to shabby and a book 'hipocrit in a white puffy dress' it looks good.. then we were off to the airport where my flight was delayed 20 minutes.. then we boarded, got on the runway, and then taxied off to find out that we were grounded for 45 mins on the plane.. the kid in front of me really liked playing peek-a-boo and the kid behind me kept kicking my seat.. oh well stacey and i had a stupendious time :]
that was my trip.. im sure i will comment later tonight wiht more bc i am cool like that.. but i must scurry off to my cheer banquet :]
later gaters.
p.s. i saw an alligator when i was on the bus.. :] yippie!!