i doubt anyone will read this anymore.
but i'm off to college in what..four days. off to minneapolis. i'm scared but excited as well. i feel i'm so behind on what everyone else has learned, like i don't have the social skills to do what i want to do. and i really would rather not leave my home. but i know this is what i need to do. it's coming so soon i think i could vomit.
i just really hope things with me and brad work out. i love the boy, i love him to death.
"i know things are going to be rough and neither of us will want to wait to see each other, but baby i promise i will always be by your side if you need me, and when you need me there, i will be on the next flight out.
i love you
and i couldnt wish for anyone else in the world."
i hope i can do this.
on a lighter note..
i got a couple new things..
meet pegasus! my see through fishy! i love him so much. he gets all excited when my face comes by his bowl. and every morning when i feed him he swims all fast when i shake his food. haha.
another new toy of mine..haha
i love this, my first phone. finally. haha.
but last night brad and i watched jesus camp, it absolutely scared the shit out of me.
then we went rollerblading! haha, i fell down three times, the last time i got like a cement burn on my butt, haha, i had to stop at that point. today, we are going to eat huhot, and i'm going to go get three shots! lovely! haha.
talk to you later.