Feb 10, 2005 18:19
today was pretty good. poor katie... she lost her voice! but somehow she managed to diss all the UNC fans cuz she's a stupid Duke fan... who knows why... she's just jealous of all that talent hahaha i think it's getting better though but watch her lose it haha that'd be kinda funny. besides, she got to be STUDENT OF THE DAY! and got Princess Sparkle!!! (in honor of the OC of course) Where was Captain Oats??? ah the other sub looked like him!!! haha he like hated our class with a stronggggggggggggg passion. it was kinda funny he was gettin so mad that we were talking but o well he got over it. after school was so much fun! hahaha me and katie couldn't stop laughing!!!! hahaha the orange!!!! poor thing... they took it and smashed it and they took Princess Sparkle!!! ahh! but at least you got her back. and plus i got to hang out with phil and robert! which of course is always awesome. haha phil needs to start writing down all his raps. they're really good!! we need to get robert a girlfriend... and soon. even though he "doesn't have time for one" i think he needs to make time lol he needs some lovin. haha that was great... watchin the basketball players ball it up haha fabulous