*~Poem's Just For You!~*

Mar 05, 2005 21:50

If you look deep into my eyes you can see and feel what you mean 2 me, I know, cause I feel it too, that little jolt where it feels your heart could jump out ur throat.

Love is like a seed.... plant and take care of it and it will grow.

when you find that person who makes your heart beat faster and slower at the same time it's

Hating is easy but love takes courage.

*"I drop a tear in the ocean, that day I find it is the day I stop lovin you"*

Your unique, Chic & Sleek. Baby your my complete.

If nothing last forever ..then.. will you be me nothing.

"I love you, not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am with you."

'Love is like a butterfly; hole it too tight ans it crushes; hold it too lose and it will fly away; but hold it just safety and it will live for a long time more'

If i had a dollar for everytime you made me smile... I'd be rich.

There is a thin line that crosses between Love and Insanity

A wrong answer can always be erased, but a mistaken committement can never be reversed.

Can you hear my heart beating 3 times then skipping a beat? Its saying I love you

*Look into my eyes, you will see, what you mean to me*

..:":..Love Like You've Never Been Hurt!..:":..

**Love isn't about finding the perfect person but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.**

At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet-plato

When you truely love someone, they are the only person in the world who has the power not only to make you smile but to make you cry too.

You know your in love when that someone and your heart flutters, You're stomach gets butterflies, and the rest of the world disappears.

I can't put my luv 4 u into words.. it's too great to be downsized by a couple of letters.....

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over.

*Believe in love at first sight, It'll take you by surprise*

Everything falls into place once again... will it stay?

We can lean on eachother, still retain our individiuality, yet have each other competetley.

I never knew what love was... til that day I meet you...

I'm not askin for forever....... I'm just askin for a chance.

I haven't yet had a dream come true, until the day I met you!

IF you really love someone time. distance, nothing can stand in the way...

*~*~*~*When your truely in ~love~ the entire world dissappears*~*~*~*

~When you kissed me everytime went back in place, every pain got erased~

You're my rose in this concrete world

.:* My whole love life is a blues song waiting to be written down on a blank piece of lined paper...

*!*-If Every Word I Said Would Make U Smile... Id Talk Forever-*!*

"Looking back , I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did not say so." -David Grayson

Unforgettable days spent together Swinging on swings, and tickling eachother times you remember and laugh about when your bored Sitting, talking, holding eachother, never wanting to let go Stupid little arguments about who love who more The times you adore Everyday, your love growing stronger You never want the feeling to end That is what I call True Love that will never end.

Love is all around us, but in order to find it, you've got to look in the right direction...

Can you look inot my eyes and see that I've cried a million tears... just for you?

In this world of black and white.... you are my colored picture.

I loved you once, I love you still, I always have and always will.

You are like that sun every time you come out you make me happy.

A simple smile, a tender touch, speaks the true language of love.

Life is too short... soo kiss slowly, laugh insanely. Love truely, and forgive quickly.

Embrace the total darkness in yourself, and enjoy it, cause lifes to short to be cool!
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