So, I guess it's about time for me to do more in this journal than just that quick entry when I got it. Not much point to having one otherwise, right? I probably would have done another entry sooner, but there just hasn't been time. Or much to report on other than the cuteness that seems to constantly radiate from my baby girl. *smiles*
Until a few days ago, that it seems I have more to talk about than I really want to. I think I'll try to break this down into smaller, more manageable sections...
Thursday, things were more or less normal. It was Faith's 21st birthday, so she and Xander came over to house to have dinner (Pizza with anchovies, which is her and Dawnie's favourite, and a cake that Spike and I made for her. For once Buffy actually agreed that her cooking probably wasn't the best idea, as much as we all appreciated the thought.), and to dump about a billion gifts on her. I'm not really going to go into the details who gave her what, because Faith can do that in her own journal. I'm just going to say that I'm glad she liked what I got for her, and didn't think it was silly or anything. Willow knows how worried I was about that. it turns out, things not so much in the realm of normal. Anything but, really. Though I none of us really had a clue as to why at first...
Turns out that while Dawn was out spending the afternoon with Cordelia, she (Cordelia) had a vision. Not clear on the details myself, just get that it was general badness involving the entire family outside of Giles and Anya. Angel and Cordelia weren't affected either, but they're more close friends than family, I think.
Short Summary of the day's events:(as I know them, anyway.)
-Dawn and Buffy fight about what Dawn can and should be researching. Buffy insists that Dawnie can't do anything related to magick. Dawn get's upset and decides that if they keep fighting about it, they'll be playing right into the vision, so she goes to the shop to research.
-Buffy basically redefines 'Space Case' over the course of the day.
-Willow insists the best way to figure out what's going on is to do a spell...which I felt extremely uncomfortable with. Probably more than necessary. Not that I think doing a spell when we could have possibly already been under the influence of magicks to start with is a good idea...
-Will and I end up fighting about it. I think she felt like I didn't trust her...she takes off upstairs. Xander then goes to talk to her.
-All I know for sure after that is that Willow tries a spell, and things go kaffluey big time. She some how managed to cause a power serge that shorted the lights. She screams, and I run upstairs completely scared out of my mind. Anything could have happened!
-Basically, it was massive badness...somehow the little spell had resulted in her hair and eyes going all black (Like what happened when she went on her dark magick binge when Warren shot me...). So understandably, we were both a little scared by that (but there wasn't going to be much good coming from me showing her that...I had to get her calm, right?), and we spent the vast majority of the rest of the day just holding each other, sleeping, or playing with Liberty.
Also heard from Mike that the spell that was effecting everyone, by basically magnifying all our fears, no matter how small, or ridiculous they may have actually been, did a massive number on Faith and Xander, causing them to fight pretty much constantly all day...and apparently she blacked out, then took off. Don't think it really effected Wesley and Fred, or Mike for that matter, too badly yesterday...if it did, they weren't really showing it.
Today seemed to have started out a lot better for the most part. I woke up before Willow, and was getting breakfast when an extremely groggy Mike comes into the kitchen. We talked for a bit about a lot of things. If the spell had really effected him, how Willow was, how Dawnie was holding up. Even our fathers for a little bit. I think we both still have a lot of family issues to deal with yet...
Then Buffy and Dawn showed up and tried as innocently as possible to convince me to make them pancakes. It's not like I was running late for work or anything...besides, I'm fully aware of the disaster waiting to happen if I told them to make them their selves if they wanted them. *laughs*
Somehow we all ended up talking about how much money Mike and I could make if we had a restaurant. And in under a minute, Mike and Dawn were already brainstorming ways to spend all this hypothetical money. Trips to Paris, New York City. It was all very cute to watch.
Then Buffy and Dawn started debating which would be more useful...a trampoline or a pool. That was bit on the silly side. *smirks*
I do however think that Dawn is definitely, and Mike probably, actually giving serious thought to this restaurant idea. It's not necessarily a bad one...but it's kind of risky, isn't it? It costs a lot to get things like that started...and what if it fails? We'd be worse off than we were before...
Well, it's not as if it would be happening anytime soon if it did... forward through more breakfast related things (I seem to have gotten put in charge of feeding everyone in the house this morning, somehow.). Giles and Anya, followed shortly by Xander and Faith (or maybe the other way around...I know Dawnie called Anya and Giles, anyway.), come to the house. As do Wesley and Fred at some point, but that's not key in what I'm talking about at the moment...
I don't know for sure, but I'm assuming some sort of altercation happened with Anya and Xander, because they both seemed kind of dazed and out of it when we were all in the living room discussing the theory that Giles and Anya had come up with. (short explanation of aforementioned theory: Ethan Rayne cast the spell...thrives on way to draw him out is to stage a fight.)
We ended up not needing to stage a fight though, because Anya and Faith got into a pretty good one all on their own. I think most of us were practically afraid to breathe at that point. I was pretty determined to stay out of it though...because siding with Anya, even though she's my best friend, would probably have upset Xander, and that would have lead to Willow and I fighting about this whole mess again, and I'm so beyond sick of it.
I completely understand why Anya is still hurt. And I'm not even saying that she shouldn't be. But on the other hand...she shouldn't be fighting like that in front of everyone. Or at all really...because it's not going to change anything. Xander's obviously made his decision, and I really can't see him changing it. So Anya and Faith fighting over who has the right to be a part of this family is just pointless. Eventually they're going to have to realise that they both are, aren't they?
The fight finally ended when Anya said Faith needed to learn her place in things, and Faith told her exactly what she felt her place was. To paraphrase, I'm pretty sure Faith said she belonged with Anya's husband (meaning Xander obviously), and declaring that this was her family and Anya needed to get over it. Anya's response was to punch her.
After that I quickly got Anya outside to talk to her about that, and to stop things from getting any worse. It was out there that we spotted Ethan trying to slink away from the house, and An went and got Buffy, and he was dragged inside the house.
He actually tried convincing us...a room with two pretty powerful witches in it, that there was no way he could lift the spell if we injured him. How does he not think we know better? *sigh* Anyway, everyone seems quite proud of the way I handled things. Calmly pointing out all he actually had to be able to do is speak. Of course then he tried insisting that if we hurt him, he wasn't going to say anything. Then I really scared him by pointing out that if we ended up killing him, the spell would be lifted, since magicks need energy. Being dead kind of stops energy from flowing, right? Once he knew I had him there, he wanted a promise that he would keep both his arms...which I then pointed out he technically would even if they were broken. Then he finally agreed to lift it, and I gathered up all the necessary ingredients.
What was it? Less than half a second after it was lifted that he bolted out the front door? *giggles* He really was scared of me...
After that, An and I went out to the bench in the back yard to finish our conversation. Understandably, her belief that Faith doesn't belong is entirely rooted in her replacing Anya's position in Xander's life. I can't say I really blame her for feeling like this...I mean, if it were me and Willow had left me for someone else... anyway...she's still so hurt by everything that has happened, despite being with Giles now. I wish I knew how to help her...I did make her feel a little better by pointing out that Giles looks at her like she's a goddess, and it's Xander's loss entirely for leaving her. *smiles*
I hope Faith's okay now too...I know Xander went to go check on her. And I know she's not as bad as Willow and Anya would like me to believe. She wouldn't Dawnie as a best friend otherwise...
Anyway, I think I've babbled enough for 4 entries, never mind one. *laughs* Hopefully it wasn't too boring.