Title: Crossing the Line
Summary: Eleven ways Robert Goren and Alexandra Eames break the no-fraternization policy.
Rating: PG
Genre: fluff, romance
Notes/Warnings: Written for
11_reasons. This is my first time writing anything CI and I'm trying out a new writing style, so we'll see how things go. Each chapter will be a distinct ficlet, a story in an of itself, though I will try to post them in some semblance of chronological order.
Prompt: Clothes/Accessory
Chapter 1 - Piano Chapter 2 - Quirks Chapter 3 - Baseball Chapter 4 - Official She has never been one to wear much jewelry, even before her late husband’s death. She wears departmental props when they go undercover and she has to play the doting wife or the bitchy wife or the demanding wife and she has a matching necklace and bracelet that she wears to official functions, but that’s it. She has a simple style that doesn’t include jewelry and she is happy that way.
So when he proposes, she isn’t surprised when he doesn’t produce a big, flashy ring in a big velvet ring box. He hands her the plain long box and she opens it and sees a beautiful diamond solitaire on a simple gold chain and she looks back up at him and he is smiling. He doesn’t drop to one knee and he doesn’t launch into some over-rehearsed speech and he doesn’t stutter when he asks one simple question that will affect the rest of their lives.
She knows that he knows her answer even before she speaks and so she just asks him to help her put the necklace on and his smile could light the whole of the city, it’s that bright. She pulls her hair aside so he can fasten the clasp and when she feels his lips against the back of her neck, pressing the clasp into her skin, she can’t help the shiver and sigh of contentment that action causes.